In my previous blog http://scn.sap.com/community/crm/webclient-ui-framework/blog/2012/08/06/creating-a-genilbol-object-m...
I created a custom GenIL object model to create and save bol objects. In this blog I am going to use that custom GenIL component to create and save the data in database.
1.> Open a Transaction BSP_WD_CMPWB .
2.> Enter Component name as ZCUST_CMP and click on create
3.> Right Click on Model -> Add Model
4.> Add Component Set name as ZCSET_CUST which you had created while creating Genil Model.
5.> You can see the Component Structure Browser , expanding Model will show your
Root Object Customer , Key Structure , Attribute Structure.
6.> Create a Custom Controller named as ZCuCo so that later on you can navigate or pass the data between views.
7.> Add Customer as a Model Node and a BOL entity -> Click on Next till Complete.
8.> Double click on custom controller , you can see list of attributes of a context node you added.
9.> Right Click on View and Create Over View Page name as OverViewPage .
10.> Create a New View using Create -> Define Name as CreateCustomer.
11.> Add Model Node and BOL entity as Customer and Bind it with Custom Controller.
12.> Select a View Type form View as required and Click on Complete.
13.> Click on Configuration Tab and Add the Available fields.
14.> Here you can change the field Properties using Hold down ALT+Field.
15.> Next Step is assignment of View to OverViewPage.
16.> then Assign OverViewPage to Windows
17.> Next Step is about to add View to Display assignment blocks of OverViewPage.
18.> Click on Test Button.
19.> Here the fields are not bounded , to achieve this a custom bol objects and created a custom genil class,
then first you have to laod that bol object and a component set , you can use this code in Do_init_context method
so that initially when you run crm_ui , it will initailizes the component set and bol objects.
Instead of Initialization in Do_init_context , Lets create a button Create (to Load bol Objects) and
and Save to update in database (ZMast_Cust).
20.> Declare a global attribute GT_BUTTONS in a implementation class.
21.> Click on Page Attributes and add the following code for BSP Page.
<%@page language="abap" %>
<%@extension name="chtmlb" prefix="chtmlb" %>
<%@extension name="thtmlb" prefix="thtmlb" %>
<%@extension name="uhtmlb" prefix="uhtmlb" %>
DATA lv_xml TYPE string.
lv_xml = controller->configuration_descr->get_config_data( ). %>
<chtmlb:config xml = "<%= lv_xml %>"
mode = "RUNTIME" />
<uhtmlb:toolbar id = "Toolbar"
buttons = "<%= controller->gt_buttons %>"
maxButtonNumber = "3" />
22.> Redefine Do_init_context method and add the code to trigger events on button.
DATA : lr_entity TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
lv_collection TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_col.
* Define Buttons
DATA ls_button TYPE crmt_thtmlb_button.
REFRESH gt_buttons.
ls_button-id = 'Create'.
ls_button-text = 'Create'.
ls_button-on_click = 'Create'.
ls_button-enabled = abap_true.
ls_button-type = cl_thtmlb_util=>gc_icon_create.
APPEND ls_button TO gt_buttons.
ls_button-id = 'Save'.
ls_button-text = 'Save'.
ls_button-on_click = 'Save'.
ls_button-enabled = abap_true.
ls_button-type = cl_thtmlb_util=>gc_icon_save.
APPEND ls_button TO gt_buttons.
23.> Here the fields are not bounded ,to achieve this a custom bol objects and created a
custom genil class, then first you have to load that bol object and a component set , you
can also use this code in Do_init_context so that initially when you run crm_ui , it will initializes
the component set and bol objects.
METHOD eh_oncreate.
DATA : lr_entity TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
lv_collection TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_col.
DATA : lr_core TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_core,
lr_fac TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity_factory,
lt_params TYPE crmt_name_value_pair_tab,
ls_params TYPE crmt_name_value_pair,
lr_ent TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity.
* Try to Get the instance of Root Object Customer
lr_core = cl_crm_bol_core=>get_instance( ).
lr_core->start_up( 'ZCUST' ).
CATCH cx_crm_genil_general_error.
* Get Entity factory of Customer
lr_fac = lr_core->get_entity_factory( 'Customer' ).
lt_params = lr_fac->get_parameter_table( ).
* Create table structure
lr_ent = lr_fac->create( lt_params ).
IF lr_ent IS BOUND.
* Add Parameters
me->typed_context->customer->collection_wrapper->add( iv_entity = lr_ent ).
CHECK lr_ent->lock( ) = abap_true.
CATCH cx_crm_genil_model_error.
CATCH cx_sy_ref_is_initial.
24.> Method to save data into database using Save button.
METHOD eh_onsave.
DATA : lr_customer TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
lr_core TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_core,
lr_trans TYPE REF TO if_bol_transaction_context,
lv_success TYPE abap_bool,
lv_commit TYPE char1,
ls_customer TYPE zattr_cust,
lr_msg_service TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_message_service.
DATA : lv_custno TYPE zcustno.
* Get the root object Instance
lr_core = cl_crm_bol_core=>get_instance( ).
lr_core->modify( ).
* Get the data of the current instance.
lr_customer ?= me->typed_context->customer->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
* Get the Customer Number using get property as value
CALL METHOD lr_customer->if_bol_bo_property_access~get_property_as_value
iv_attr_name = 'CUSTNO'
ev_result = lv_custno.
ls_customer-custno = lv_custno.
CHECK lr_customer IS BOUND.
CALL METHOD lr_customer->if_bol_bo_property_access~get_properties
es_attributes = ls_customer.
* Get Transaction of the current entity.
lr_trans ?= lr_customer->get_transaction( ).
CHECK lr_trans IS BOUND.
CHECK lr_trans->check_save_possible( ) EQ abap_true.
lv_success = lr_trans->save( ).
IF lv_success = 'X'.
lr_trans->commit( ).
lr_trans->rollback( ).
25.> Open UI and Test the component -> Click on Create then Enter the details
-> Click on Save.
26.> Check The Entry in a Database Table.
Sumeet Gehlot
SAP CRM Practice.
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