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Freestyle BASIC Script Language (FBSL) is a true multitalent, but it is unfortunately not more available. It is possible to use it inside ABAP and to use SAP GUI Scripting with it, as the example here shows. It is only a simple logon, but it shows how to use FBSL in this case. This example has now only historical museum character.

#AppType Console
#Option Strict

#Include <>

Sub Main()

Dim %SAPROTWrapper, %SapGuiAuto, %application, %connection
Dim %session

SAPROTWrapper = CreateObject("SapROTWr.SapROTWrapper", "")
If Not SAPROTWrapper Then
End If

SapGuiAuto = GetValue("%o", SAPROTWrapper, ".GetROTEntry(%s)", _
If Not SapGuiAuto Then
End If

application = GetValue("%o", SapGuiAuto, ".GetScriptingEngine")
If Not application Then
End If

connection = GetValue("%o", application, ".Children(%d)", 0)
If Not connection Then
End If

session = GetValue("%o", connection, ".Children(%d)", 0)
If Not session Then
End If

PutValue(session, ".findById(%s).text = %s", _
"wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-MANDT", "001")
PutValue(session, ".findById(%s).text = %s", _
"wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-BNAME", "BCUSER")
PutValue(session, ".findById(%s).text = %s", _
"wnd[0]/usr/pwdRSYST-BCODE", "minisap")
PutValue(session, ".findById(%s).text = %s", _
"wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-LANGU", "EN")
CallMethod(session, ".findById(%s).sendVKey %d", _
"wnd[0]", 0)


End Sub


FBSL can compile scripts to executable. On this way you can deliver your SAP GUI script to any target computer on Windows platform, without any dependencies.
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