What is SAP Business Application Studio?
SAP Business Application Studio is a new SAP Cloud Platform service in SAP Cloud Foundry which offers a modular development environment tailored for efficient development of business applications for the SAP Intelligent Enterprise.
SAP Business Application Studio, the developer is provided with one or more Development Spaces. As a developer, you can chose which tools will be installed on your dev space by selecting the suitable extension pack.
These tools covers the end-to-end development cycle:
Clone an existing project with a Git client or create new project using various templates.
Use editors for SAP specific technologies.
Easily test your application on your dev space while consuming services from remote sources.
- Build and deploy the application as multitarget applications (MTA).
GIT Issue
There is
no provision to set the
Git Repository for new project we create. Like
WebIDE , there is no provision to assign GIT repository URL.
Create Repository in GIT.
For git, simply type "git" and a list of git commands will be filtered. Git clone is one of the commands,
Please follow the below GIT Commands.
- Initialization of GIT
git init
git config --global user.email "your@example.com"
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
- Set Remote Origin URL
git remote add origin https://github.com/user.name/RepoName.git
If already exist then use below command
git remote set-url origin https://github.com/user.name/RepoName.git
- Staging the Changes of Project
git add .
- Commit your changes
git commit -m "GIT Comment"
- Push your changes into GIT
git push origin master
- Pull your latest changes from GIT
git pull origin master
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Nikhil Puri