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What is SAP Business Application Studio?

SAP Business Application Studio is a new SAP Cloud Platform service in SAP Cloud Foundry which offers a modular development environment tailored for efficient development of business applications for the SAP Intelligent Enterprise.



In SAP Business Application Studio, the developer is provided with one or more Development Spaces. As a developer, you can chose which tools will be installed on your dev space by selecting the suitable extension pack.


These tools covers the end-to-end development cycle:

  • Clone an existing project with a Git client or create new project using various templates.

  • Use editors for SAP specific technologies.

  • Easily test your application on your dev space while consuming services from remote sources.

  • Build and deploy the application as multitarget applications (MTA).

GIT Issue

There is no provision to set the Git Repository for new project we create. Like WebIDE , there is no provision to assign GIT repository URL.


Create Repository in GIT.

For git, simply type "git" and a list of git commands will be filtered. Git clone is one of the commands,

Please follow the below GIT Commands.

  1. Initialization of GIT
    git init
    ​git config --global ""
    git config --global "Your Name"

  2. Set Remote Origin URL
    git remote add origin

    If already exist then use below command

    git remote set-url origin

  3. Staging the Changes of Project
    git add .

  4.  Commit your changes
    git commit -m "GIT Comment"

  5.  Push your changes into GIT
    git push origin master

  6. Pull your latest changes from GIT
    git pull origin master


I hope everyone enjoyed this blog, Please don’t forget to put comment.?



Nikhil Puri

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