Hi Everyone,
In this blog post , I shall be sharing how to create a test SFTP server and test your CPI iflows end to end .
As a first step lets see how to create a SFTP test server
Step 1: Set up a cloud server
Create a VM instance on Google cloud platform compute Engine
select compute Engine < VM instance
Step 2
Select the Create instance as shown below
Select your machine type to the which ever option suits your needs , then for Boot disk select 'centOS'
Step 3:
Add a username & password for SSH Login
A terminal will appear kind of command prompt, add a new user and password .
Now we have a user and password. select stop right next to SHH from drop down and now start it back up again as shown below
Step 4: Now lets connect and Test the server, for testing this connection we need the software CyberDuck
Once the software is downloaded ,click 'open connection', then from the dropdown list select "sftp" . Enter your external IP from GCP and then user and password & hit connect.
Screen looks like below.
That's it ! you can remotely access your server .
Now steps to be followed in CPI :
- For public authentication deploy the credentials for SFTP server in Security Material.
>To check the connectivity:
paste your host and port details from cyber duck and test the connectivity
Copy the host key after successful test and deploy the text file (known_hosts.txt) . This will be used to authenticate the servers.
Step 5
Here I have created a simple Iflow with SFTP receiver channel for demo
Once artifact is deployed we can see the completed messages in message monitoring and Login to the SFTP server and verify the file in respective folder .
There, file placed -:)
Conclusion :
Easily you can create a test sftp server to test your iflows and this blog post helps the beginners who needs to explore and test the flows end to end using sender/ receiver connectivity.
Reference :
Happy Learning..