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When you have a dataset and wishes to show a keyfigure on a map, there are two different ways of having your data represented on a map:

  • By entering Latitude and Longitude

  • By using Aera

But in a normal dataset, you usually do not have Latitude and Longitude, and you can then use Country as an Aera.

In SAP Analytics Cloud, there is a link to an updated file with all the supported regions/countries

But in order to enable the geoenriching, you will have to create a model, and do your data wrangling - make sure that only supported countries are in the list of countries, and select the button Geoenrich:

When selecting Geoenrich by Area, you can then select the existing Dimension you wish to use as geoeriching field, and create a new field - Then you create a new name for this field, and you have to decide to use Country and/or region


Once the model then is build, you can use the new Dimension in the GeoMaps as Geographical locations - In this model we are showing the Poupulation on a map.


Conclusion: You can use GeoMaps even though you don't have the Latitude and Logitude of contry or regions - By using the Geoenrich by Aera functionality in SAP Analytics Cloud
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