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Here I show you how to select a special session to do SAP GUI Scripting activities inside it:

Here I show you how to write each table with SAP GUI Scripting to a CSV file:

Now I merge these tips to download tables from different systems. It is only necessary to be logged on the systems. We start with the main program which is followed by an include file, which stores the well-known routines of the tips above.
'- This example shows how to download a table in CSV format from the
'- first accessible session of all open connections. With one call you
'- get any table in CSV format from all open connections.
'- Hint: If several connections to one system are open, the identical
'- data content from the table is stored multiple times.
'- Author: Stefan Schnell
'- Site:

Option Explicit

'-Global variables----------------------------------------------------
Dim RunDir

'-Sub Include---------------------------------------------------------
Sub Include(IncludeName)

'-Locale variables------------------------------------------------
Dim FSO, oFile

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If IsObject(FSO) Then
If FSO.FileExists(IncludeName) Then
Set oFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(IncludeName)
If IsObject(oFile) Then
ExecuteGlobal oFile.ReadAll()
Set oFile = Nothing
End If
End If
Set FSO = Nothing
End If

End Sub

RunDir = WScript.ScriptFullName
RunDir = Left(RunDir, InStr(RunDir, WScript.ScriptName) - 2)
Include Rundir & "\"

'- Call here the table name and the path to store the content of the
'- table as file in CSV format
GetTable "SFLIGHT", "D:\\Dummy\\"

The include file starts here:

'- This include file stores routines to get table content from a
'- session and to save it as CSV file
'- Author: Stefan Schnell
'- Site:

'-Sub ReadTableInFile-------------------------------------------------
'- Read table from the session and save the content in CSV format
Sub ReadTableInFile(session, TableName, FileName)

'-Local variables-------------------------------------------------
Dim Menu, Einstellungen, BenutzerPar, ALVGridView, table
Dim Rows, Cols, oFile, CSVFile, Columns, i, j

'-Reset the session-----------------------------------------------
session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").text = "/n"

'-Open TAC SE16---------------------------------------------------
session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").text = "/nSE16"

'-Set table name--------------------------------------------------
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtDATABROWSE-TABLENAME").text = _

'-View table------------------------------------------------------

'-Set witdh of output list----------------------------------------
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtLIST_BRE").text = "9999"

'-Set the maximum number of hits----------------------------------
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtMAX_SEL").text = "999999"


'-Set display to ALV Grid view------------------------------------
'-Open user specific parameters dialog--------------------------
'- Attention: Here is a language specific code, customize it.
'- Actual in German, as comments in English
Set Menu = session.findById("wnd[0]/mbar")
Set Einstellungen = Menu.FindByName("Einstellungen", "GuiMenu")
'Set Einstellungen = Menu.FindByName("Settings", "GuiMenu")
Set BenutzerPar = Einstellungen.FindByName("Benutzerparameter...", _
'Set BenutzerPar = Einstellungen.FindByName("User Parameters...", _
' "GuiMenu")

'-Set the output list format------------------------------------
Set ALVGridView = session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsG_TABSTRIP/" & _
If ALVGridView.Selected = vbFalse Then
End If


Set BenutzerPar = Nothing
Set Einstellungen = Nothing
Set Menu = Nothing

'-Get rows and columns--------------------------------------------
Set table = session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/cntlGRID1/shellcont/shell")
Rows = table.RowCount() - 1
Cols = table.ColumnCount() - 1

'-Write the table to a CSV file-----------------------------------
Set oFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If IsObject(oFile) Then
Set CSVFile = oFile.CreateTextFile(FileName, True)
If IsObject(CSVFile) Then

'-Get the title of all columns in the first line------------
Set Columns = table.ColumnOrder()
For j = 0 To Cols
If j = Cols Then
CSVFile.Write(CStr(Columns(j)) & ";")
End If

For i = 0 To Rows

For j = 0 To Cols
If j = Cols Then
CSVFile.Write(table.GetCellValue(i, _
CSVFile.Write(table.GetCellValue(i, _
CStr(Columns(j))) & ";")
End If

'-Each 32 lines actualize the grid------------------------
If i Mod 32 = 0 Then
table.SetCurrentCell i, CStr(Columns(0))
End If

'-Carriage and return after a line------------------------
If i <> Rows Then
End If

Set CSVFile = Nothing

End If
Set oFile = Nothing
End If

Set ALVGridView = Nothing
Set Columns = Nothing
Set table = Nothing

End Sub

'-Sub GetTable--------------------------------------------------------
'- Get a table from the first accessible session of all open
'- connections
Sub GetTable(TableName, Path)

'-Local variables-------------------------------------------------
Dim SapAppl, SapGuiAuto, CollCon, i, oCon, CollSes, j, oSes
Dim oSesInf, SID, SesNo, FileName

Set SapGuiAuto = GetObject("SAPGUI")
If Not IsObject(SapGuiAuto) Then
Exit Sub
End If

Set SapAppl = SapGuiAuto.GetScriptingEngine
If Not IsObject(SapAppl) Then
Exit Sub
End If

Set CollCon = SapAppl.Connections()
If Not IsObject(CollCon) Then
Exit Sub
End If

'-Loop over connections-------------------------------------------
For i = 0 To CollCon.Count() - 1

Set oCon = SapAppl.Children(CLng(i))
If Not IsObject(oCon) Then
Exit Sub
End If

Set CollSes = oCon.Sessions()
If Not IsObject(CollSes) Then
Exit Sub
End If

'-Loop over sessions------------------------------------------
For j = 0 To CollSes.Count() - 1

Set oSes = oCon.Children(CLng(j))
If Not IsObject(oSes) Then
Exit Sub
End If

If oSes.Busy() = vbFalse Then
Set oSesInf = oSes.Info()
If IsObject(oSesInf) Then
SID = oSesInf.SystemName()
FileName = Replace(TableName, "/", "_")
ReadTableInFile oSes, TableName, Path & FileName & _
"." & SID & ".csv"
Exit For
End If
End If



End Sub


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