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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


In this new blog series we are building an scenario where we combine SAP Leonardo together with SAP Customer Engagement and Commerce.

Futhermore we want to use different SAP Cloud Platform capabilities, SAP SaaS applications and non cloud products like:

  • SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales

  • SAP Hybris Commerce

  • SAP Cloud Platform Integration

  • SAP Cloud Platform Business Rules Services

  • SAP Connectivity service

  • SAP Web IDE Full Stack

  • SAP Cloud Platform IoT service (Cloud Foundry Environment)

  • SAP Cloud Platform IoT Application Enablement (Cloud Foundry Environment)

  • SAP Smart Business Services (Cloud Foundry Environment)

....and finally a thing our nice litte "Excavator":


The Story

Our story is quite is simple we have a customer let´s call him "Peter", he has rent a nice Excavator from the company "Powermachnies Inc..

Powermachines Inc.´s business is to rent and sell different types of Excavator´s.

Additional the company provides associated parts and services.

To rent or order an product the company has launched a SAP Hybris Commerce "customer lounge" :

If Peter is logged in he can view some details about his "machines" and here we get the connection between SAP CEC (SAP Hybris Commerce and SAP Hybris Cloud 4 Service) and SAP Leonardo IoT Foundation.

Some of the data are provide directly from our "Excavator" which is connected to SAP Cloud Platform IoT Service (CF env.) and SAP Cloud Platform IoT Application Enablement.

SAP Hybris consumes now the provided API´s from SAP IoT Application Enablement to display the data and also you can open an detailed "dashboard" which is running on top of SAP CP IoT AE.

This dashboard is using furthermore the provided KPI´s which we can define with SAP CP Smart Business Services (CF env.).


The business case here is that "Powermachines Inc." will provide a time based subscription model.

If the "bought time" is over Peter need´s to buy additional time:


Connect the Worlds

In the upcoming blogs we want go through the following activities (subject to change):

0 Introducing to the scenario and architecture (this blog)
1 Connect the Excavator to SAP Cloud Platform IoT Service (CF env.) and Build the Digital Twin
3 How to us SAP Smart Business Service (CF env.) with SAP Cloud Platform IoT Application Enablement - ...
4 Create an "IoT Freestyle" app including "Embedded Analytics"
5 SAP Cloud Platform Integration as keyplayer to interact with other applications (Cloud and non Cloud)
6 ....


Stay tuned.....we will start next week ;o)


And by the way we want cover some topics which is not new and already written down.

I will try do not go in detail for this.





Helpful Links:

SAP Cloud Platform IoT Application Enablement

SAP Cloud Platform IoT for the Cloud Foundry Environment

SAP Cloud Platform Busisness Rules

SAP Cloud Platform Integration

Youtube Playlist about embedded Analytics
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