1. The scenario - if I want to call a job from a provisioning framework with some parameters, I can do it this way:
- Ø1. After the order task group is executed, the first task set some entry data
- Ø2. Then in the second task I can set the values we needed in the temporary table(TEST_TEMP_TABLE):
- Ø3.At the end I call the job(in the job folder):
· With the script runJob I call a job from Job Folder.
2. Here is the Job I call from the provisioning framework:
- ØIn step 1(Source tab) – I can select the needed information from the temporary table
and from there to update the entry in the destination tab:
2. ØIn step2(Destination tab) – I will update the status in the temporary table to avoid already processed data to be processed again.