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Internet of Things (IoT) is a connection of various objects and appliances through the Internet, which is used for data monitoring and sharing.

After adopting SEO and conceding that it is one of the fundamentals of marketing in the digital age, different organisations throughout the world are developing IoT to enhance their efficiency.

For all those who do not know what the Internet of things is, take the example of an animal with a biochip or any vehicle with sensors. This information is not only useful for analysing the condition or functioning of an object, but it can also be shared by assigning it an IP address and shared on different platforms.

The Internet of things makes working and living smarter. It gives the users control while automating all the processes at the same time. Internet of things is essential to businesses as well by giving them insights about their machines, efficiency and logistics.

While IoT has transformed information sharing for its consumers, it has also brought about a revolution in modern businesses. From logistics to infrastructure, the Internet of things has played a prominent role in all fronts.


Benefits of IoT to businesses

Providing cheaper solutions

Internet of things cuts down labour costs and waste. Smart devices are now doing things which were previously done by employees. This gives the business owners to invest their capital elsewhere and gives them more opportunities to expand. By using the advanced settings, it can also be used to provide a specific set of instructions, which is an additional feature.

Asset Tracking

With this revolutionary technology, it is now possible to track containers and assets. Gone are the days when one would manually track the assets. Now all that is required is a 4G tracking device on the containers that would keep everyone posted. This technology also comes in handy in case of delays due to bad weather or an accident. Not only does it save time, but it is also hassle-free and extremely convenient for any industry.

Another advantage of this technology is the amount of field trips it saves by transferring the relevant information from the field to the operations manager. Just when you think that you have enough information about your asset, it goes a step further by providing information about the status of your material.

For example, if the raw material is to be delivered at a site in drums or any tracking containers, this technology can tell you the amount of raw material left and help you plan accordingly.

Retail Business

Internet of things for retail includes the feature of face recognition technology that identifies the age and gender as they enter a store and shares that information with the device that displays ads in the store. Using the shared data, the ads can be customised to target those customers.

Imagine entering into a store and seeing that advertisements for products that you would like to buy. This can be very beneficial for all the retail brands as customers might end up buying those things.

Healthcare and Agriculture

In healthcare, the Internet of things is being used to monitor the progress of patients by biochips. It is also being used to analyse the effect of certain medications by looking at their reactions on patients. On a macro level, it can help with the management of employees and inventory.

In agriculture, the Internet of things is being used to monitor temperature, light, the humidity of various crops. This can be done by using sensors. It can also be used to automate the process of irrigation. This again reduces labour costs and can be profitable for the industry.

There are a few downsides of using this technology as well. The primary problem with this technology is the lack of privacy. While it does make every transaction transparent, it puts a lot of information out there.

The more devices that are connected, the more information is at risk. A potential hacker can steal the information which puts the data at risk. Since everything is being monitored through it, there will be a massive chunk of data. This will make the management and handling of data a lot more complicated.

Another problem with this technology is that in case there is a virus or a bug in the system, it will corrupt all the devices that are connected. This means loss of essential data which can slow down the work.


Summing up

Most experts think that the Internet of things is an emerging technology for increasing efficiency and profit. IoT’s applications are diverse and range from healthcare and home to cities and retail stores.

The only reservation is the lack of privacy this technology has. Even with the said problem, this technology serves as a breakthrough for all new businesses and provides more opportunities for innovation.

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