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This is the third and last blog of my series about the GWPAM Templates. Earlier blogs covered the Contact Template and the Workflow Template. Today I will briefly go over the Appointment Template.

In various SAP systems there are business objects that carry calendar-based information, e.g. CRM activities, time recordings, or leave requests.

GWPAM generates Outlook Add-ins bringing calendar-based information into Outlook utilizing OData services. A wizard guides you through a number of choices, similar to the ones of the Contact Template (see my earlier blog for details).

Here a sample screenshot of the selections you can make in the wizard:

Based on the instructions given in the wizard, GWPAM generates an Outlook 2010 Add-in project with the C# coding that can query, create, update and delete Outlook Appointments. The generated coding should be treated as a prototype and can be adjusted to suite your requirements.

Watch this video for a demonstration on how to use the GWPAM Appointment Template. For more details, please check out this presentation, which is part of our Self-Paced Learning offering for Gateway PAM.

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