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I watched the recording of last Tuesday’s webcast Self Service Departmental and Agile BI in the Cloud with pierre.leroux and ilan.frank of SAP.   You can watch the replay here and download the slides

For more links and background regarding the renaming of Visual Intelligence to SAP Lumira see timo.elliott blog

For some reason when I watched the recording, the sounds were out of sync with the slides.  Still, I gathered a couple of things:

  1. The Desktop version of being able to save your Visualizations back to the cloud will be available in June
  2. You can try the cloud beta version of Lumira at a couple of links, which I list down below.

Figure 1: Source: SAP

Figure 1 introduces the new solution Lumira Cloud, allowing you to consume content "in the cloud".

"What does it do, what is it for?"

Figure 2: Source: SAP

Figure 2 shows you can use Lumira with desktop or tablet; previously you could only use the formerly named Visual Intelligence on the desktop and publish datasets to BusinessObjects Explorer for mobile consumption.

Figure 3: Source: SAP

You can use the SAP Lumira Cloud to host data, load data, including Crystal Reports, Design Studio

You can use with Visual Intelligence

You can show to other people.

Figure 4: Source: SAP

Figure 4 shows you can start exploring the data using drag & drop, share information

From the desktop you can file Save AS – save to Photon (e.g. saving to the SAP Lumira cloud)

SAP said it was similar to dropbox – saves and synchs from the backend with the agent

You can share, invite sent, click and see data

It works on mobile devices

Screen shot below is from Visual Intelligence (now SAP Lumira desktop)

Screen source: SAP

SAP said this is “powered by Hana”.  You can set up a free SAP Lumira Cloud account, allowing you to go from Visual Intelligence to the Cloud

The slides say you can go to (new URL Jan 2014) on May 10th but that did not work for me.  On SCN Ilan suggested going to but I just followed the URL in the demo and was able to logon successfully with my SCN/SMP credentials, after registering.  It was nice not to be prompted to change my password.

So here is my first attempt using SAP Lumira Cloud beta:

As shown above, I was able to upload a Design Studio application, a Crystal Report, an Excel spreadsheet, a saved SAP Lumira (formerly known as Visual Intelligence) document, and load and explore my own dataset.

Above shows a simple visualization I did.

I can share this with others and they can view/edit it.

How does it look on a Mobile Device?

The above is from my iPad.

Another view from the iPad.

In the above I can design the visualization from the iPad as well.

I think it will be more useful once we can save from the Desktop Lumira (planned for June) to SAP Lumira Cloud.

I am sure more will be coming from SAP.  For those not attending the conference next week, what questions can we ask SAP about Lumira?

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