Business Scenario:
1. Need to have additional fields from Sales Partner Table (VBPA) for all Order Line Items in Sales Item Table (VBAP) for Sales Order Line Item Level Reporting. Standard data sources cannot be used as many info providers such as DSO’s; Cubes are using them so it involves lots of effort in terms of time and money maintaining the same. Also this approach involves a lot of risk considering if anything gets deactivated during Transports.
2. In addition to this Currency Conversion has to be done in Source system as per client norms.
Note: It is recommended to do currency conversions in BW system.
R3 Side: In order to meet the above 2 requirements we decided to go for Generic Delta Extraction using Function Module. Need to make sure that Generic Extraction is Delta Based as Sales Order Items Table (VBAP) contains all the line item level information for Orders and its not easy extracting everything i.e. doing full update on daily basis and then maintaining the same in BW. Here, we shall be building a logic using AEDAT (Created on) and ERDAT (Changed on) of VBAP to extract the order Items getting changed/Created since the last BW Extraction.
Steps for Delta Enabled, Function Module Based Data source
1. Create an Extract structure including DLTDATE field in addition to all other required fields. DLTDATE would be used to build the logic to extract the delta using AEDAT and ERDAT.
While configuring delta in the RSO2 screen, the field on which the delta is requested must be a field present in the extract structure. To allow the extractor to provide delta on timestamp, there must be a timestamp field in the extract structure. Hence the timestamp field is added here – it is merely a dummy field created to allow us to use the extractor for delta purposes, as will become clear later.
2. Copy the Function group RSAX from SE80, give new function group as ZRSAX_TEST.
3. Copy function module. Deselect all and then select only RSAX_BIW_GET_DATA_SIMPLE name it as ZBW_FUNCTION.
4. Go to the Include folder and double-click on LZRSAX_TESTTOP define the structure and Field symbol and internal table as below.
* Structure for the Cursor - extraction of data
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_vbap,
Vbeln TYPE vbeln,
Posnr TYPE posnr,
Netwr TYPE netwr,
Waerk TYPE waerk,
Dltdate TYPE dats,
END OF ty_vbap.
* Structure for VBPA to extract PERNR
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_vbap,
Vbeln TYPE vbeln,
Posnr TYPE posnr,
Pernr TYPE pernr,
END OF ty_vbap.
* Structure for the final Table
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_ord_final,
Vbeln TYPE vbeln,
Posnr TYPE posnr,
Pernr TYPE pernr,
Dltdate TYPE datum,
Netwr TYPE netwr,
Waerk TYPE waerk,
Netwr_loc_val TYPE WERTV8,
Loc_curr TYPE waers,
Netwr_rep_val TYPE WERTV8,
Rep_curr TYPE waers,
END OF ty_ord_final.
* Internal table
t_vbpa TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_vbpa.
*Work areas
DATA: wa_vbap TYPE ty_vbap,
wa_vbpa TYPE ty_vbpa.
* Variables
DATA: lv_bukrs TYPE bukrs,
lv_vkorg TYPE vkorg,
lv_waers TYPE waers,
lv_prsdt TYPE prsdt,
lv_netwr TYPE netwr.
* Currency conversions Variables
DATA: save_ukurs LIKE tcurr-ukurs,
save_kurst LIKE tcurr-kurst,
save_ukurx(8) TYPE p,
save_ffact1 LIKE tcurr-ffact,
save_tfact LIKE tcurr-tfact,
save_ffact LIKE tcurr-ffact,
save_ukurs1(11) TYPE p DECIMALS 5.
* Field symbol declaration
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <i_fs_order_item> LIKE LINE OF t_vbap.
Save and Activate it.
Creating the Function Module
* Auxiliary Selection criteria structure
DATA: l_s_select TYPE srsc_s_select.
* Maximum number of lines for DB table
STATICS: s_s_if TYPE srsc_s_if_simple,
* counter
s_counter_datapakid LIKE sy-tabix,
* cursor
s_cursor TYPE cursor.
* Select ranges
RANGES: l_r_vbeln FOR vbap-vbeln, "DOC
l_r_posnr FOR vbap-posnr, "ITEM
i_r_dltdate FOR vbap-erdat. "DELTA DATE
DATA t_final LIKE LINE OF e_t_data.
* Initialization mode (first call by SAPI) or data transfer mode
* (following calls)?
IF i_initflag = sbiwa_c_flag_on.
* Initialization: check input parameters
* buffer input parameters
* prepare data selection
* Check DataSource validity
CASE i_dsource.
IF 1 = 2. MESSAGE e009 (r3). ENDIF.
* This is a typical log call. Please write every error message like this
log_write 'E' "message type
'R3' "message class
'009' "message number
i_dsource "message variable 1
' '. "message variable 2
RAISE error_passed_to_mess_handler.
APPEND LINES OF i_t_select TO s_s_if-t_select.
* Fill parameter buffer for data extraction calls
s_s_if-requnr = i_requnr.
s_s_if-dsource = i_dsource.
s_s_if-maxsize = i_maxsize.
* Fill field list table for an optimized select statement
* (in case that there is no 1:1 relation between InfoSource fields
* and database table fields this may be far from beeing trivial)
APPEND LINES OF i_t_fields TO s_s_if-t_fields.
ELSE. "Initialization mode or data extraction ?
* Data transfer: First Call OPEN CURSOR + FETCH
* Following Calls FETCH only
* First data package -> OPEN CURSOR
IF s_counter_datapakid = 0.
* Fill range tables BW will only pass down simple selection criteria
* of the type SIGN = 'I' and OPTION = 'EQ' or OPTION = 'BT'.
LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select.
CASE l_s_select-fieldnm.
ls_vbeln-sign = ls_select-sign.
ls_vbeln-option = ls_select-option.
ls_vbeln-low = ls_select-low.
ls_vbeln-high = ls_select-high.
APPEND l_r_vbeln.
ls_posnr-sign = ls_select-sign.
ls_posnr-option = ls_select-option.
ls_posnr-low = ls_select-low.
ls_posnr-high = ls_select-high.
APPEND l_r__posnr.
ls_delta_date-sign = ls_select-sign.
ls_delta_date-option = ls_select-option.
ls_delta_date-low = ls_select-low.
ls_delta_date-high = ls_select-high.
APPEND l_r_dltdate.
* Determine number of database records to be read per FETCH statement
* from input parameter I_MAXSIZE. If there is a one to one relation
* between DataSource table lines and database entries, this is trivial.
* In other cases, it may be impossible and some estimated value has to
* be determined.
SELECT itm~vbeln AS vbeln itm~posnr AS posnr
itm~netwr AS netwr itm~waerk AS waerk itm~aedat
AS dltdate FROM vbap AS itm
WHERE itm~vbeln IN ls_vbeln
AND itm~posnr IN ls_posnr
AND ( ( itm~aedat EQ '00000000'
AND itm~erdat IN ls_dltdate )
OR ( itm~aedat NE '00000000'
AND itm~aedat IN ls_dltdate ) ).
ENDIF. "First data package ?
* Fetch records into interface table.
* named E_T_'Name of extract structure'.
REFRESH: t_vbap.
OF TABLE t_vbap
PACKAGE SIZE s_s_if-maxsize.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
CLOSE CURSOR ls_cursor.
RAISE no_more_data.
* Loop at it_vbap to build the final table
LOOP AT t_vbap ASSIGNING <i_fs_order_item> .
CLEAR: t_final, lv_vkorg,lv_bukrs,lv_waers,lv_prsdt.
MOVE: <i_fs_order_item>-vbeln TO t_final-vbeln,
<i_fs_order_item>-posnr TO t_final-posnr,
<i_fs_order_item>-netwr TO t_final-netwr,
<i_fs_order_item>-waerk TO t_final-waerk,
<i_fs_order_item>-dldat TO t_final-dltdate.
SELECT SINGLE pernr FROM vbpa INTO t_final-pernr
WHERE vbeln = <i_fs_order_item>-vbeln
AND posnr = '000000'
AND parvw = 'ZM'.
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
t_final-pernr = space.
*Select the order header data based on sales document
SELECT SINGLE vkorg FROM vbak INTO lv_vkorg
WHERE vbeln = <i_fs_order_item>-vbeln.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
* Select the company code based on sales org
SELECT SINGLE bukrs FROM tvko INTO lv_bukrs
WHERE vkorg = lv_vkorg.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
* Select the local currency based on company code
SELECT SINGLE waers FROM t001 INTO lv_waers
WHERE bukrs = lv_bukrs.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
t_final-loc_curr = lv_waers.
t_final-rep_curr = 'USD'.
* Select the pricing date based on sales document and sales docu item
SELECT SINGLE prsdt FROM vbkd INTO lv_prsdt
WHERE vbeln = <i_fs_order_item>-vbeln
AND posnr = <i_fs_order_item>-posnr.
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
SELECT SINGLE erdat FROM vbap INTO lv_prsdt
WHERE vbeln = <i_fs_order_item>-vbeln
AND posnr = <i_fs_order_item>-posnr.
* Convert to local currency
IF <i_fs_order_item>-waerk NE lv_waers.
date = lv_prsdt
foreign_amount = 1
foreign_currency = <i_fs_order_item>-waerk
local_currency = lv_waers
type_of_rate = 'M'
exchange_rate = save_ukurs
foreign_factor = save_ffact
local_amount = save_tfact
local_factor = save_ffact1
exchange_ratex = save_ukurx
derived_rate_type = save_kurst
no_rate_found = 1
overflow = 2
no_factors_found = 3
no_spread_found = 4
derived_2_times = 5.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
save_ukurs1 = save_ukurs / save_ffact.
IF save_ffact1 NE 0 .
save_ukurs1 = save_ukurs1 * save_ffact1.
lv_netwr = <i_fs_order_item>-netwr * save_ukurs1.
t_final-netwr_loc_val = lv_netwr.
t_final-netwr_loc_val = <i_fs_order_item>-netwr.
* Compare the Local currency with reporting currency
IF lv_waers NE 'USD' .
* Convert the currency in the reporting currency
CLEAR : save_ukurs1,lv_netwr,save_ukurs,
date = lv_prsdt
foreign_amount = 1
foreign_currency = lv_waers
local_currency = 'USD'
type_of_rate = 'M'
exchange_rate = save_ukurs
foreign_factor = save_ffact
local_amount = save_tfact
local_factor = save_ffact1
exchange_ratex = save_ukurx
derived_rate_type = save_kurst
no_rate_found = 1
overflow = 2
no_factors_found = 3
no_spread_found = 4
derived_2_times = 5.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
save_ukurs1 = save_ukurs / save_ffact.
IF save_ffact1 NE 0 .
save_ukurs1 = save_ukurs1 * save_ffact1.
lv_netwr = t_final-netwr_loc_val * save_ukurs1.
t_final-netwr_rep_val = lv_netwr.
t_final-netwr_rep_val = t_final-netwr_loc_val.
APPEND t_final TO e_t_data.
s_counter_datapakid = s_counter_datapakid + 1.
ENDIF. "Initialization mode or data extraction ?
Explanation of the Code
RANGES: l_r_vbeln FOR vbap-vbeln, "DOC
l_r_posnr FOR vbap-posnr, "ITEM
l_r_delta_date FOR vbap-erdat. "DELTA DATE
The l_r_delta_date range is created for the timestamp. The selection criteria for the extractor will be filled up into this range. This would be used to build the logic for extracting delta from VBAP using AEDAT and ERDAT.
LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select.
CASE l_s_select-fieldnm.
ls_vbeln-sign = ls_select-sign.
ls_vbeln-option = ls_select-option.
ls_vbeln-low = ls_select-low.
ls_vbeln-high = ls_select-high.
APPEND l_r_vbeln.
This part of the code is used to pass down the selections of vbeln from OLAP to OLTP. The same applies with 2 other fields for POSNR and DLTDATE.
SELECT itm~vbeln AS vbeln itm~posnr AS posnr
itm~netwr AS netwr itm~waerk AS waerk itm~aedat
AS delta_date FROM vbap AS itm
WHERE itm~vbeln IN ls_vbeln
AND itm~posnr IN ls_posnr
AND ( ( itm~aedat EQ '00000000'
AND itm~erdat IN ls_delta_date )
OR ( itm~aedat NE '00000000'
AND itm~aedat IN ls_delta_date ) ).
Here, we are basically extracting the delta records from VBAP based upon the selection passed for DLTDATE using ERDAT and AEDAT.Basically 2 conditions are used to extract delta:
1. ( ( itm~aedat EQ '00000000' AND itm~erdat IN ls_delta_date ) – For New records
2. ( ( itm~aedat NE '00000000' AND itm~aedat IN ls_delta_date ) ) – For Changed records.
Thereafter, once the above is done we are updating the final internal table T_VBAP.
LOOP AT t_vbap ASSIGNING <i_fs_order_item>.
SELECT SINGLE pernr FROM vbpa INTO t_final-pernr
WHERE vbeln = <i_fs_order_item>-vbeln
AND posnr = '000000'
AND parvw = 'ZM'.
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
t_final-pernr = space.
Looping over this table to extract additional fields as per the requirement. In our case we need to extract additional partner fields from VBPA based upon orders getting created /changed since last BW extraction.
Currency Conversions
1. Document Currency: The Currency in which a document is posted in R/3 is called Document Currency. It is stored at document level as available in VBAP as it contains Sales Document Item Level Information i.e. WAERK.
2. Local Currency: The Company Code Currency is called Local Currency. It is stored at Company Code level in T001 Table.
3. Reporting Currency: In our case it is fixed as ‘USD’.
Logic to get Local Currency:
Now in order to get Local currency one needs to have the Company Code (BUKRS) but this is not available at Sales Order Item Level (VBAP).
1. Fetch Sales Organization (VKORG) first for all the Orders extracted earlier.
SELECT SINGLE vkorg FROM vbak INTO lv_vkorg
WHERE vbeln = <i_fs_order_item>-vbeln.
2. Fetch Corresponding Company Code (BUKRS) for all the Sales Organization (VKORG) extracted above from TVKO.
SELECT SINGLE bukrs FROM tvko INTO lv_bukrs
WHERE vkorg = lv_vkorg.
3. Fetch Corresponding Local Currency from the Table T001 for all company Code (BUKRS) extracted above.
SELECT SINGLE waers FROM t001 INTO lv_waers
WHERE bukrs = lv_bukrs.
This way we have fetched all the currencies for all the Order Items i.e. Document, Local and Reporting Currency. Now we need to do the conversion of the net value in Document Currency to net value in Local and Reporting Currency.
Logic to do Currency Conversions:
We shall be using a Standard Function Module ‘CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY’ for doing various conversions i.e. Local and Reporting Currency from Document Currency.
Input Parameters:
Date – PRSDT “Pricing Date”. Need to fetch it for doing conversions.
From Currency - already fetched above.
To Currency – already fetched above.
Type of Conversion: Fixed as ‘M’ in our case
SELECT SINGLE prsdt FROM vbkd INTO lv_prsdt
WHERE vbeln = <i_fs_order_item>-vbeln
AND posnr = <i_fs_order_item>-posnr.
In this part of the code we are fetching Pricing Date (PRSDT) from VBKD based upon Order Items already extracted from VBAP.
Finally we are passing everything to the Function Module to have the Conversion done to Local Currency first and later to Reporting Currency.
Putting it All Together: Create the Data source:
1. Go to RSO2 to create the data source.
2. Fill in the various Details including the Function module and Structure name.
3. Select the option Timestamp and select the DLTDATE field you had added in your extract structure. Also set the safety limits as required.
Note: We could have selected Calend. Day but in that case the delta extraction can only be done once in a day.
4. Click Save to go back to the previous screenand click Save again. The following screen comes up.
Note that the DLTDATE field is disabled for selection; this is because this will be populated automatically as part of the delta. As a result, it will be unavailable for manual entry in the Info package or in RSA3
Following this step, create the corresponding ODS, Data source etc. in BW side and replicate. These steps are similar to what would be done for a normal generic data source.
Later this ODS active table is read to have these additional fields in BW Old Flow.
Hope it helps.
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