From ontology to data model, using the PowerDesign...
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The Glossary is one of the key enterprise resources provided by SAP PowerDesigner – it helps you capture and manage the terminology to be used when naming your models and objects in your models.
What if you want to use your Glossary in a different way – as an ontology? What if you want to use the Glossary to generate content in your models?
That’s exactly what I was asked recently – the good news is that PowerDesigner is designed to be extended. We can meet our objective in several ways:
write a script – Design and build all the logic yourself
define a simple ‘Object Generation’ – Simple to set up, limited in scope
define an ‘Extended Object Generation’ – Simple to set up, will need some scripting to tailor the results
I created a couple of demonstrations for my client, and decided to share them with the world via YouTube.