This blog is a part of Master blog
Tools to Analyze Fiori Launchpad Issues, where we looked at different tools available to analyze the issues in Fiori Launchpad and Launchpad Designer.
In this blog we look at the Standard Fiori Launchpad Checks report and how to analyze the issues with the same.
The report Fiori Launchpad Checks (
transaction /UI2/FLC) is available to check the consistency of delivered and customized content created for use with SAP Fiori launchpad.
Start Transaction /UI2/FLC (Fiori Launchpad Checks) in Back-end system and the Landing screen will be like as shown below.
Like any other SAP standard report, it has multiple filter options:
- Configuration: This can be selected to Analyze the Launchpad content at configuration level (client independent)
- Customization: This can be selected to check the Launchpad content at customizing level (client dependent) and to see if the configuration level content is not overwritten at client level.
- Additional Filters: Under this we have option to further filter the content for analysis based on:
- Catalog ID: Filter content for the Catalog ID to be reviewed
- Group ID: Filter content for the Group ID to be reviewed
- Package: Or review content for a specific package(s) with the option to include sub packages in the analysis.
- Analyze Role: this checkbox need to be checked in case we have role, for which we want to verify the content instead of Catalog or Group ID
- Role: Pass the Role for which content need to be checked.
- Only Role Assigned to User: So, in case, we want content for all the roles assigned to specific user, we need to check this checkbox.
- User: this will have the user whose roles will be referred for content filtering.
- Bypassing Cache: As the name suggest, bypass caches while feting the content to be checked.
- Only Error Messages: To see only the error messages in the report output.
Let’s say we want to verify the content for all custom catalogs (Z*) and also we want to see only the ones with errors.
Pass Z* in Catalog ID field and check "Only Error Messages" checkbox on the selection screen and execute.
The Output will show all the error in content from all the custom catalogs as shown below.
In the Output, we could see details related to the error records, like:
- Type of Objects (Tile, Target Mapping etc.)
- Catalog ID, Group ID etc.
- Test ID: This will give you the error code.
- Message: this show the error description
We can analyze the error in
Message column and take corrective action. For E.g. in current case, we can see invalid semantic object “TestALP”. For invalid semantic object error, we need to check if the semantic object is maintained in transaction /UI2/SEMOBJ (custom semantic object) or /UI2/SEMOBJ_SAP (SAP).
Open Transaction
/UI2/SEMOBJ and check semantic object “TestALP” and I found same missing as shown below.
Maintain the same and re-execute the report .The error should be gone as shown below.
Below is the typical list of errors and where to look for issue resolution:
Test ID |
Category |
Message |
Where to Fix? |
CAT01 |
Error |
Catalog does not have software component assigned |
To be fixed in SAP Fiori launchpad designer
CAT02 |
Error |
Catalog does not have package assigned |
CAT03 |
Warning |
Catalog does not have tiles |
GRP01 |
Error |
Group does not have software component assigned |
GRP02 |
Error |
Group does not have package assigned |
GRP03 |
Warning |
Group does not have tiles |
GRP04 |
Error |
Tile in group has an error |
GRP05 |
Error |
Application launcher in the corresponding catalog was a reference to an original but the original application launcher was deleted. Therefore, the reference is broken. |
TM01 |
Error |
Semantic object used in target mapping does not exist |
TM02 |
Error |
Action is not defined for target mapping |
TM03 |
Warning |
Target mapping action does not start with lower case |
TM04 |
Error |
Launchpad |
TM05 |
Error |
When specifying the navigation target in the target mapping definition for SAPUI5-based SAP Fiori apps, the SAPUI5 component was not entered correctly. |
TM06: |
Error |
Target mapping was a reference to an original, but the original target mapping was deleted. Therefore, the reference is broken. |
TM07: |
Error |
Issues regarding the system alias that is referenced in the target mapping configuration |
Check for System Alias related checks
AP01 |
Error |
Semantic object targeted by application launcher does not exist |
To be fixed in SAP Fiori launchpad designer
AP02 |
Error |
Application launcher has empty action |
AP03 |
Warning |
Action used in application launcher does not start with lower case |
AP04 |
Error |
Application launcher does not have valid target mapping for object or action within the same catalog |
AP05 |
Error |
Application launcher was a reference to an original, but the original application launcher was deleted. Therefore, the reference is broken. |
LP01 |
Error |
Unspecified error in launchpad |
To be fixed in transaction (LPD_CUST)
LP02 |
Error |
Additional info field of launchpad definition must contain 'SAPUI5.Component=' |
LP03 |
Error |
System alias in launchpad definition is not empty |
LP04 |
Error |
System alias in launchpad definition is empty |
LP05 |
Error |
Target app parameters field is empty for launchpad definition with additional information equal "SAPUI5.Component=factsheet" |
LP06 |
Warning |
Encoding of target app parameter is invalid |
Now, we know how to Analyze the Launchpad Content issue with /UI2/FLC, what are the different error messages and where to fix each one of them.
Keep Learning & Keep Sharing!!