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Cloud options are many.  With SAP, you have the flexibility to choose between the various cloud deployment options like:

  • Public cloud

  • Private cloud

  • Hybrid cloud

  • Managed Service

Which one should you use? At SUSE, we believe there's a place for all clouds: public, private and hybrid. In fact, we offer our own version of private cloud software in SUSE® OpenStack Cloud. Our flagship Linux operating system, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, is available on all the major cloud vendors.

Public Cloud

  • If you are concerned about the flexibility and availability of your enterprise resource planning system in the cloud, consider the unique capabilities of SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server on Microsoft Azure.


  • AWS has worked closely with SAP to certify the AWS cloud platform for SAP solutions. It also provides tools such as AWS SAP HANA Quick Start, which can help you deploy a Multi-Availability Zone (single-node, high-availability architecture based on SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension) using SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications in less than one hour.


  • While Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure currently lead the industry, you also have a range of other options, including Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud, Alibaba and even a slate of regional hosts that offer dedicated managed services.


Do you consider a private or hybrid cloud environment?

  • OpenStack software provides an open source cloud computing solution. SUSE OpenStack is the ideal private cloud platform to help transform your data center. It delivers the next level of efficiency and innovation without the risks of vendor lock-in and high costs often associated with proprietary platforms.

Learn more about your cloud deployment options and download an exclusive Gartner Research
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