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1. Business Scenario
You want to add the possibility to display or change the customer master data from the customer master data factsheet in SAP Fiori Launchpad.

2. Background Information
SAP Fiori allows you to search via HANA search. The search results can be used to navigate to the factsheet of the corresponding object. With the proper authorization, you can trigger some standard applications from your back-end system in the Fiori launchpad.

3. Prerequisites
To be able to implement this business scenario, your system landscape must meet the following minimum requirements:
Frond-End Components
• SAP FIORI FRONT-END SERVER 2.0 - SPS 01 (12/2015) or
• SAP FIORI FRONT-END SERVER 3.0 - SPS Initial Shipment Stack or
• SAP GATEWAY 2.0 - SPS 10 (03/2015) or
• SAP NETWEAVER 7.4 - SPS 04 (09/2013)

Back-End Components (ABAP)
• SAP enhancement package 7 for SAP ERP 6.0 on HANA database

Check the specific requirements for your Fiori app on

4. Step-By-Step Procedure
1. Check Launchpad
2. Define RFC Connection for System Alias for Classic Backend Applications
3. Create New Link for Classic Application in LPD_CUST
4. Create New Catalog in Fiori Catalog Customizing
5. Create New PFCG Role
6. Translate Short Text for Application Link

Before we start, we first show the start situation for the Customer Master Data Fact Sheet.

Start the search on your Fiori homepage.

Figure 1 - Start search

Enter the search criterion and execute the search.

Figure 2 - Search result for search term Apple

Select the customer master for Apple Store.

Figure 3 - Customer Master Data Factsheet

It’s not possible to trigger a classic transaction due to missing authorization.
Now first add standard PFCG role SAP_SD_BCR_FIELDSALESREP to our user.

Figure 4 - Add role to your user

Now refresh your browser and you’ll see the option has become visible.

Figure 5 - Trigger transaction from factsheet

The transaction will trigger the classic transaction XD03 in the backend. But where is this defined? Well, let’s follow the following steps.

4.1 Check Launchpad Customizing
Go to transaction LPD_CUST in the frontend server. The factsheet for the customer master data is part of the Launchpad for SD factsheets UIAPSD01.

Figure 6 - LPD_CUST

Now select the role UIAPSD01 for instance FACTSHEETS:

Figure 7 - Details for Customer Master Data Factsheet in LPD_CUST
The possible transactions for the SD factsheets are defined in the instance TRANSACTIONAL.

Figure 8 - Details for display customer for customer master fact sheet

Figure 9 - Link Details for Display Customer

Very important is the definition of the system alias. The system needs to be defined as RFC connection in the following step.

4.2 Define RFC Connection for System Alias for Classic Backend Applications
The system alias ERP_ERP_SD is used by the classic backend applications that are triggered from the factsheet.
The alias needs to be defined in SM59 as a HTTP Connection to ABAP Systems.

Figure 10 - SM59 connections

Define a new connection:

Figure 11 - Define new destination

Enter the following:

  • RFC Destination       SAP_ERP_SD

  • Connection               Type H

  • Description               Connection for navigation classic SD transactions in SAP ERP

  • Target Host              HTTP(S) host

  • Service No.              HTTP(S) port

If you don’t know the proper Service No, then logon in your backend system and go to transaction SICF. In SICF click on button Information on Port and Host.

Then go to tab ‘Logon & Security’:

Figure 12 - Details for Logon & Security

Enter the following:

  • Logon with user          SAP RFC Logon

  • Logon with Ticket        Do Not Send Logon Ticket

  • SSL                             Inactive (Active if you want to use HTTPS)

If your backend system is a secure connection, the settings can be different!

Now save your settings.

If you now click on the action Display Customer Master Data, a new tab will automatically be opened.

Figure 13 - Display customer as classic application in Fiori launchpad
Now we’re going to add a new action to the customer master data factsheet. This action is Change Customer in the ERP backend system.

4.3 Create New Link for Classic Application in LPD_CUST
In transaction LPD_CUST, we’re going to add the application Maintain Customer Master Data.
Easiest way is to copy the new entry from the Display Customer Master Data. In the Link Details on the right-hand side of your screen enter the following information:

Figure 14 - Define new application in Launchpad Customizing
Enter the following:

  • Link Text                  Maintain Customer Master Data

  • Application Type      Transaction

  • Transaction Code    XD02

  • System Alias            SAP_ERP_SD

  • Application Alias      ChangeCustomer

  • GUI Type                 SAP GUI for HTML

To maintain the Application Alias, click on the button next to the line

Figure 15 - Maintain Application Alias

In the text block enter the alias ‘ChangeCustomer’. If you then click on the button right to the line again, the alias is copied.

Save your entry.

4.4 Create New Catalog in Fiori Catalog Customizing
Open the Fiori Catalog Customizing. Use the following URL:

<your frontendhost>:<your port>/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/arsrvc_upb_admn/main.html?scope=CUST#

Figure 16 - Fiori Catalog Customizing

Search for catalog SAP_SD_BC_FIELDSALESREP. We’re going to create a copy of this catalog by creating a catalog with reference. Drag the catalog SAP_SD_BC_FIELDSALESREP to the left-hand corner

Figure 17 - Create Catalog with Reference

Figure 18 - Copy Catalog Details

Figure 19 - New Catalog

Go to Target Mapping

Figure 20 - Target Mapping

Now create a new target mapping by clicking on the button

Figure 21 - Definition New Target Mapping
Enter the following:

  • Semantic Object         Customer

  • Action                         change

  • Application Type         SAP Fiori App using LPD_CUST

  • Launchpad Role         UIAPSD01

  • Launchpad Instance   TRANSACTIONAL

  • Application Alias         ChangeCustomer

Note: The application alias should be identical as defined in LPD_CUST!

Save the changes.
4.5 Create New PFCG Role
Now create a new PFCG role in Gateway for the new SAP Fiori Tile Catalog.
Since I created a tile catalog as copy of SAP_SD_BCR_FIELDSALESREP, I will copy the standard role to a new PFCG role ZSUP_SD_BCR_FIELDSALESREP:

Figure 22 - Details for new PFCG role
Now delete the node for the “old” tile catalog and add the new catalog from step 4.4:

Figure 23 - Add new Tile Catalog

Figure 24 - Details adding new Tile Catalog
When you add this catalog, it may be that you get a warning that some applications do not exist. You can choose to execute the check. In the log, you will see that the transactions added to the tile catalog may not exist on the Gateway server. This is true, since they are executed in the backend server. You may ignore this warning!

Save the PFCG role and add this to your user.

Now test the result in the Fiori Launchpad:

Figure 25 - App with new application included

Figure 26 - Change customer as classic application in Fiori launchpad
4.6 Translate Short Text for Application Link
The link in the Fiori Launchpad is now available in English. If you want to translate it to your own language, you can do the following.
Go to LPD_CUST and select the role UIAPSD01 for instance TRANSACTIONAL. Then select Launchpad Textkeys/Translation

Figure 27 - Trigger translation
In the next screen click on button ‘Translate Short Texts’.

Figure 28 - Translation screen for role

Now maintain the translations.

Figure 29 - Translate short descriptions

Save your translation. Now test the changes in your Fiori Launchpad:

Figure 30 - Classic application links in own language

Although the rest of the factsheet is not translated yet, the links now are available in your own language...
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