Create a new Web Dynpro Component.
Create a new View and window.
Write the following code in the wddomodifyview method of view..
METHOD wddomodifyview .
" For dynamic Programing we need to write code in modify view..
IF first_time = abap_true.
DATA lr_container TYPE REF TO cl_wd_uielement_container.
DATA: lr_matrix TYPE REF TO cl_wd_matrix_head_data,
lr_matrix_lay TYPE REF TO cl_wd_matrix_layout.
* ** getting reference of first ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER
lr_container ?= view->get_element( 'ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER' ).
cl_wd_matrix_layout=>new_matrix_layout( lr_container ) .
* Here we are Creating new Tab strip..
DATA: lr_tabstrip TYPE REF TO cl_wd_tabstrip.
lr_tabstrip = cl_wd_tabstrip=>new_tabstrip(
enabled = abap_true
" height = "here you can give height of your tab strip
" selected_tab = " here you can get/set selected tab.
selection_change_behaviour = `00`
tab_alignment = `00`
" tooltip =
visible = `02`
" width =
* on_select = `ON_SELECT_METHOD` "Method we will be called on changing of tabs
* Here we are adding new Tab strip in the TC..
lr_container->add_child( lr_tabstrip ).
cl_wd_matrix_head_data=>new_matrix_head_data( lr_tabstrip ).
* Here we are creating tab in the tab strip..
DATA: lr_first_tab TYPE REF TO cl_wd_tab.
lr_first_tab = cl_wd_tab=>new_tab(
id = `FIRST_TAB`
closeable = abap_true
enabled = abap_true
has_content_padding = abap_true
visible = abap_true
* Caption for 1st tab..
DATA: lr_caption_1st_tab TYPE REF TO cl_wd_caption.
lr_caption_1st_tab = cl_wd_caption=>new_caption(
* view = lri_view
id = `CAPTION`
context_menu_behaviour = `00`
enabled = abap_true
image_first = abap_true
text = '1st tab'
* Here we are adding caption as header to new tab..
lr_first_tab->set_header( lr_caption_1st_tab ).
* Here we are adding new Tab in the Tab strip ..
lr_tabstrip->add_tab( lr_first_tab ).
* Here we are creating TC in the tab .
DATA: lr_first_tab_tc TYPE REF TO cl_wd_transparent_container.
lr_first_tab_tc = cl_wd_transparent_container=>new_transparent_container(
id = `TC_1ST_TAB`
" Here we are giving matrix layout to newly created tc
cl_wd_matrix_layout=>new_matrix_layout( lr_first_tab_tc ).
* * Here we are creating adding tc in the tab .
lr_first_tab->set_content( lr_first_tab_tc ).
* making new txt view in the tc..
DATA: lr_txt_view TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_view.
lr_txt_view = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view(
* view = lri_view
id = `TXT_DEMO`
h_align = `03`
layout = `01`
semantic_color = `00`
text = 'My textview in the 1st tab in the TC'
cl_wd_matrix_head_data=>new_matrix_head_data( lr_txt_view ).
lr_first_tab_tc->add_child( lr_txt_view ).
* creation of 2nd tab..
DATA: lr_second_tab TYPE REF TO cl_wd_tab.
lr_second_tab = cl_wd_tab=>new_tab(
* view = lri_view
closeable = abap_true
enabled = abap_true
has_content_padding = abap_true
visible = abap_true
lr_caption_1st_tab = cl_wd_caption=>new_caption(
* view = lri_view
id = `CAPTION_1`
text = 'Second Tab'
text_direction = `02`
visible = `02`
lr_second_tab->set_header( lr_caption_1st_tab ).
lr_tabstrip->add_tab( lr_second_tab ).
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