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Hey There ,

I am writing this blog as part of the DataGeek III: How to Join challenge under the category House of Spirits - caring for the  Social Good.

It’s said that:

“Conserve energy:  Think today Or You will be able to think never”

So keeping this in mind here is my small report on the Lift  Utilization / Maintenance.


In this small report I have presented an analysis of the Lift usage in our firm. I have been analyzing from past few months that there are lifts that are not been used or have less usage during less congestion hours are kept on.

A very good example is the usage of the service lift which I personally think should only be kept during a particular time frame.

Source of Data:  Data is created by me on my daily observation.

                          Below is the screen shot of the data (in Microsoft Excel format)  :-


Field Definition:

  • Interval – this is the duration of  1 hour for e.g. 0:00 to 1:00 AM is the 1st interval , below image will give you the clear picture:


  • Name – it is defined as the LIFT/ Elevator sequence (Example - Lift 1, Lift 2 etc)
  • From & To – This will indicate the Floor numbers (Example – Floor_1, Floor_2 etc)
  • Start Time & End Time – Time from which Lift is moving till it stop.
  • Volume – Number of person travelling in Lift / Elevator.


Through this small project I have tried to explain how we can use this report to plan the lift utilization and close the unused lift during very less traffic.

In the below reports I have used an INTERVAL of 1 hour i.e. (12 AM to 1 AM)

Below report shows that from 2nd interval to 9th Interval the traffic is very high and almost all the lift is used. Whereas interval 1st, 11th , 12th, 13th has very less traffic.

So based on above analysis we can say that when the traffic is very less we can shut down few Lifts / elevator and if the traffic is at high node we need all Lift/ Elevator working. This will help the Elevator to work efficiently & can save energy.

Below chart also provide information about the total usage per lift. This will help us to know about the load on a particular lift.

Weekend Analysis:-

Below is the Weekend report which clearly shows that we can clearly cut down the 6 lifts / elevator  as we can see clearly the lift 1 and lift 2 are very  less


Below graph also show the weekend usage of the Lift / Elevator.


Using this particular reports we can plan the power utilization used in the accessibility of the lift usage. And we can bring the execution of lifts to a less number depending upon their usage during weekend, non business hours or even during the less busy business hours.

Report also helps to know which particular lift is used the most and which is used the least. Accordingly we can plan which lifts should undergo maintenance regularly and which can be kept active during non business hours or on weekend.

I hope you like this blog and looking forward for your comments and suggestions.

:smile: Thanks for reading :smile:

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