Today we will walk through how to create Parent child hierarchy in SAP DWC.
A Parent child hierarchy is a hierarchy in a dimension that is based on two table columns . Together this columns defines the hierarchical relationship among the members of the dimension .
The limitation of parent-child hierarchy is that each node is must have the single parent and also a dimension containing a parent child hierarchy can not include any other hierarchies.
Steps to create the Parent-Child Hierarchy :
Step 1 :
Go to Data Builder and select on which dataset we need to create a hierarchy.
Here I have created a dataset for showing parent child hierarchy i.e.
Parent_child_Ex which contains the columns Sales Country and Sales State.
Step 2 :
The next step is to change the semantic usage of your table(the dataset) as a dimension . In DWC it has to be set as dimension only then you can able to create the hierarchy in the same .
In above figure you can see the semantic usage is not yet set to dimension so that the hierarchy option is not enabled (Marked in a red circle)
Step 3 :
We can now change the semantic type to Dimension and see the option will get enabled for us .
Step 4 :
Click on the hierarchy icon to create the hierarchy and there you will get the option for Parent_Child hierarchy as below.
Click on + sing to see the option .
Step 5 :
5.You can now define business name , technical name and also the parent and child in your parent child hierarchy. in this example the parent column is Sales Country and child column is Sales State .
Click on close once done .
You can see the number at hierarchy icon that we have created one Hierarchy for this dataset as below.
Step 6 :
Save and deploy the dataset once done .
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Happy Learning !!
Thanks & Regards,
Image credits: All images in this blog are created as screenshots while creating this use case by the author.