Part III: Creating a User Lookup Application using the SAPUI5 framework
In the last blog i’ve promised to guide you through the wijmo framework. But when i got the new release of the Neptune Application Designer (NAD) with the integrated SAPUI5 framework I couldn’t resist to check it out. It’s so cool that i thought it might be interesting for you as well.
So let’s start and create a user lookup application using common bapis and the new sapui5 look.
Again I strongly recommend to get familiar with the NAD first, using the first two parts about
the designer:
Important: This tutorial was written for the RC1 of release 2.10! The RC2 is out now and there are some major changes. So I strongly recommend to upgrade to the RC2 if you are starting. For those having already finished the application and want to upgrade to RC2 I've added the changes to make to the relevant areas of this tutorial.
1. Create a abap class and implement the interface /NEPTUNE/IF_NAD_SERVER
2. Create an application. Name it i.e. ZRJT_BLOG_SAPUI5_01
Insert your application class on the application tab of the application.
Select SAPUI5 as general and sap.m as specific library
Select Bluecrystal as theme.
Change to the designer and add Layout/App to the objects tree. Name it ‘App’. Note: The objects have no styles. Everything comes from the framework. If you want, check the attributes of the object to get an overview.
Basically the SAPUI5 framework organizes the application flow almost similar to jQuery Mobile. There are no single pages called by requests. It’s just one page and the other pages are just part of the same DOM which are shown or hidden if the user navigates.
3. For our application we need 3 pages. A menu page, a overview page as list and a detail page.
Therefor add three page containers from /Layout/ as childs of the App object. Keep all three on the same level. Name them like shown in the picture:
Remember that i’m always using the object type as prefix. You can do it your way. But the page container objects have to be named unique. Otherwise you will mess up the navigation.
Add a Title to the field on the General Tab of every page container. This will be the header of the pages. Activate and preview. Your application should look like this:
4. Add a StandardTile object from /ValueHolders/ as child of the container pageMenu. Name it ‘tileMenuUserLookup’. As you may know from Fiori the tiles are used for navigating like ‘links’ or ‘buttons’.
Go to the General Tab of the Tile and add a title (ie. Show Users’).
Select the Attribute Tab of the tile and look for the field ‘icon’. Use the search help
on the right side of the filed. This page should be shown:
Select the name of the icon, copy and paste them into the field ‘icon’ of the tile. Also put
‘sap-icon://’ as prefix.
In my demo i have used the value ‘sap-icon://person-placeholder’ as icon for the tile.
You may also fill the field number with a value. This will be shown on the upper right side of the tile. You can also fill the field ‘info’ with some information. It will be shown at the bottom of the tile:
If you preview it you can see that the pointer is changing upon the tile and it changes if you click on it.
So let’s build some navigation to our pageOverview.
Go to the Attribute Tab of the tile and paste"pageOverview"); to the field ‘press’ under Events. Activate and check it out. Easy, isn’t it?
There is another interesting feature i want to show you. Press the button on the right side of the field ‘press’. In the upcoming window navigate to the folder ‘OtherUI5’. Select Navigation sap.m and press the button You get some very useful javascript snippets for all kinds of navigation. Just copy and paste it and change the name of the page you want to navigate to. You can also add your own JavaScript there, select it and press ‘Enter’. The script will be used for the filed (in this case ‘press’) but shows up as ‘Ananymous Function’.
This means you can have all your own scripts inside the application and can use it in different places. Due to the up- and download function in that window it’s easy to create your own javascript snippets and import them into every new application.
Now let’s add a navigation from the pageOverview back to pageMenu.
Select the object pageOverview. Insert App.backToPage("pageMenu"); to the field ‘navButtonTap’. For the field navButtonType select sap.m.ButtonType.Back from the dropdown. For the field showNavButton select true from the dropdown. Activate and Preview.
The overview page should show a arrow on the upper left corner and navigate back to the menu page if you click on it. That was easy, right?
5. Now we should get some data from our tables. Go to your application class and add a attribute to it:
Attribute Level Visibility Associated Type
Go to your application class and create a private instance method ‘GET_USER_DATA’. Navigate into the method and paste the coding into it:
data lt_selection_range type table of bapiussrge.
data ls_selection_range type bapiussrge.
data lv_search_input type string value '*'.
*Prepare the selection range
move 'USERNAME' to ls_selection_range-parameter.
move 'I' to ls_selection_range-sign.
move lv_search_input to ls_selection_range-low.
move 'CP' to ls_selection_range-option.
append ls_selection_range to lt_selection_range.
call function 'BAPI_USER_GETLIST'
max_rows = 100
with_username = 'X'
selection_range = lt_selection_range
userlist = me->t_userlist.
It’s similar to the code i have used for the last blog. To make it easy we will handle no errors. To test the method just change the visibility temporary to ‘public’.
6. Back to the designer. Add a List from the ‘List’ folder as child to the page container ‘pageOverview’ and name it ‘listUsers’.
Change to the general tab of that object.and fill the field ‘Title’ with ‘Username(Full)’.
Bind the field ‘Model Source’ to the attribute T_USERLIST of the application class:
Fill the field ‘AJAX ID’ with ‘GET_USERS’.
Important: If you use RC2, select the button beside the AJAX ID to select the model you want to receive data from:
Important: If you are working with the RC2 of release 2.10 you have to know, that the Ajax ID is no longer fired on initialisation! You now have to set the attribute setInitLoad of the list to online / cache or onlineOnEmptyCache. If you are using one of the last two options you also have to set 'setEnabledCache' to true.
Add an item of type StandardListItem from the List folder as child below the list object, name it ‘itemFullname’ and set
the type to sap.m.ListType.Navigation.
Go to the Attribute tab of that object.
Bind the field ‘description’ to the field USERNAME of the table.
Bind the field ‘title’ to the field FULLNAME of the table.
Insert ‘sap-icon://employee’ to the field icon.
Activate the application and implement the interface method HANDLE_ON_AJAX in your application class (just doubleclick on it).
Insert the following code to the method HANDLE_ON_AJAX:
case ajax_id.
when 'GET_USERS'.
me->get_user_data( ).
This means if the Ajax ID of the list is fired, the table in the application class will be filled using the method GET_USER_DATA.
Activate and preview your application.
After clicking on the tile the application should navigate to the overview page and sho a list similar to this one:
Cool, isn’t it? :cool:
You are now already a experienced sapui5 mobile application developer :wink:
7. Now we will build the detail page. Before we can start i need to explain how the NAD handles the binding of view fields to the attributes of the application class.
As you may already know we just bound the tables, structures and values from the application class to the fields of the view when using jQuery Mobile or Wijmo. On tables we used a loop object to create lists and so on.
SAPUI5 is using so called models. Models are structures or tables and have to be declared as attributes of the application class. (To be honest i don’t really like the term ‘model’ for that construct, but that’s another bag).
Models are used to send data between application class and view. In SAPUI5 the page container has to be bound to one (or more) models. This models have to be structures which contain all fields you want to show on a page.
To make it more confusing check our overview page: We did not bind the model to the page container, but to the list directly. This was working because we simply navigated to that page and our listUsers fired the Ajax ID ‘GET_USERS’ at initialization.
Important: If you are working with the RC2 of release 2.10 you have to know, that the Ajax ID is no longer fired on initialisation! You have to set the attribute setInitLoad to online / cache or onlineOnEmptyCache. If you are using one of the last two options you also have to set 'setEnabledCache' to true. This is a real cool feature! The application will automatically handle offline situations without any scripting on the device. The cache is limited to 2.5 Mb but that should be far enough in most cases.
In Neptune you can bind structures/tables to different components. All containers (Page, Vbox, Hbox, Panel mm) can be bound to a structure. Table/List can be bound to Internal Tables. You can also bind as many components as needed on each page.
To show our detail for a user the flow has to be different:
- we need to get the value for the userid of the selected user from the overview list.
- we need to trigger the sending of an Ajax ID to call the HANDLE_ON_AJAX interface method
and transfer the selected user.
- we need to get the detail data from the sap tables and fill the model
- we need to transport the data to the view
- we need to navigate to the view
Let’s start with creating the method and the model.
Create a structure and name it. In this case i have used ‘ZNAD_S_MOD_USER_DETAIL’ as name.
Add some components like shown below:
You can add more components later. I’ve kept it slim for this example.
Create two attributes in your application class like this:
Attribute Level Visibility Associated Type
We will use V_SELECTED_USERNAME to get the userid of the selected user from our overview list. S_MODEL_PAGEDETAIL is the model for our page container.
Add a private instance method to your application class and name it ‘GET_USER_DETAIL’.
Implement it and copy this code to the method:
DATA lt_return TYPE bapiret2_t.
DATA lt_addtel TYPE bapiadtel_t.
DATA ls_addtel TYPE bapiadtel.
DATA lt_addsmtp TYPE bapiadsmtp_t.
DATA ls_addsmtp TYPE bapiadsmtp.
IF NOT me->v_selected_username IS INITIAL.
username = me->v_selected_username
return = lt_return
addtel = lt_addtel
addsmtp = lt_addsmtp.
IF NOT lt_addtel IS INITIAL.
READ TABLE lt_addtel INTO ls_addtel INDEX 1.
MOVE ls_addtel-telephone TO me->s_model_pagedetail-telephone.
*Just to have some data if there's nothing maintained
MOVE '049007007' TO me->s_model_pagedetail-telephone.
MOVE me->v_selected_username TO me->s_model_pagedetail-user_id.
Check the FM BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL if you want to get more details later. Have in mind, that all fields have to be created as components for the page model.
Now navigate to the interface method ‘HANDLE_ON_AJAX’ and add the following code
inside the CASE:
me->v_selected_username = ajax_value.
me->get_user_detail( ).
This means: If the Ajax ID GET_DETAIL is send, move the send ajax value to the field v_selected_username and call the method get_user_detail.
8. Now we will build the view to show the details.
Change to the designer and navigate to the object itemFullname in our object tree.
We need to get the value ‘USERNAME’ (actually user id) when the user selects an entry in our overview list. Therefor we implement a Anonymous Function for the event ‘tab’.
Select the tab Attribut and click on the button for the field ‘tap’.
Insert the following script into the JavaScript window:
// List Get Selected Row
var context = oEvent.oSource.getBindingContext();
var value = context.getProperty("USERNAME");
//transport data to and from application class
I think it’s easy to unserstand what’s going on here, even if you are not familiar with JavaScript, right?
Select the page container pageDetail. Fill the following fields on the general tab:
Titel: User Detail
Model Source: Bind the structure S_MODEL_PAGEDETAIL from the application class.
Check the box at ‘Prevent reload at initialization’. Important: In RC2 this checkbox is no longer available.
Model Recieve: Select pageDetail from the dropdown
Model Send: Select pageDetail from the dropdown
Important: In RC2 the number of models is unlimited now. Use the button beside the AJAX ID to select the model you want to receive data from:
For RC1: To prevent the reload of this page is very important. Remember, that the SAPUI5 application is just one page. If we wouldn’t prevent the reload of the detail page it would happily send the Ajax ID, fill the data and immediately navigate there if the application starts.
As next we will build the navigation back to the overview page.
Select the tab Attrubute for the object pageDetail.
Set navButton Type to sap.m.ButtonType.Back and showNavButton to true.
Add a Anonymous Function to the event navButton Tap and insert the following code:
// Go to a previous page"pageOverview");
We need to navigate to the pageDetail. This will be done if the data from the application class are lready successfully send to the view.
Stay on the Attribute tab of pageDetail and add a Anonymous Function to the event ajaxSuccess.
Insert the following code:"pageDetail");
As last step we need to add some fields to show our data.
Add a list to the pageDetail. Add a StandardListItem as child of the list.
Go to the Attribute tab of the item and bind the field ‘info’ to the field TELEPHONE of S_MODEL_PAGE_DETAIL.
Insert sap-icon://outgoing-call to the field icon. Insert ‘Phone’ to the field title.
Add a itemfor every field you want to show on the pageDetail.
Activate and test your application.
You detail page should show something like this (We have already added some more models):
That’s all! I hope everything went well so far and you had some fun.
Here’s the link to the running application (might change now and then):
Imagine that I have never touched SAPUI5 before, but checked the elements in the demokit. One of the neptune developers introduced me in a 1.5 hours websession to the framework.
The most confusing thing for me was the application flow using the models. So i need some hours to figure it out myself later. It’s far away from using requests and submits.
But after i got it it’s really easy. And hey guys, it’s soooo damn fast and looking awesome! I will probably never touch any other framework again :wink:
The SAPUI5 framework with NAD needs only some snippets of easy JavaScript. Check it yourself. Even for grey haired ABAPers (like me) it should be very easy to understand it.
Beside that:
- Absolutely no need of oData/NWGW.
- All data transport between client/server is made by JSON, automatically generated by Neptune.
Can you imagine the increase of speed in development processes? I’m looking for a competition with someone who’s using any other tool. If they are half way through configurating their oData, i’ve already sold my app. Any bets? :lol:
So far I have found only one issue: SAPUI5 doesn’t seem to work properly with some Firefox releases, check Browser Support in SAPUI5. This will hopefully get fixed soon. With Chrome or IE everything was fine. I’m using Chrome due to it’s fine console for development anyway.
As far as I know the release candidate 1 including SAPUI5 is already available. Download it here: Neptune Software
I have no doubt the Neptune Application Designer is on the way to be established as the best HTML5 designer for SAP.
There are so many cool frameworks and features included and it’s really easy to handle them. The neptune guys always manage to implement complex stuff in a way that makes it breathtaking easy to work with it. I’ve started to train some ABAP developers so far and everyone of them was able to create his first working application in about 2 hours using jQuery Mobile.
Now I can’t await to get my hands on the SAPUI5 desktop objects in the NAD and will post a tutorial about that as soon as possible.
Until then you might check out also the new feature the neptune guys have build into the PhoneGap Addon for
creating hybrid container apps. Check one box and get an automatically created page which allows the user to log into the SAP system before the app starts. Not a single line of coding, nothing to configure.
Or the included Font Awesome framework.
Have fun!
Note: If there are any problems please use the Neptune Helpdesk
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