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Disclaimer: this blog posts shows you how you can create your own custom Fiori tile on SAP Solution Manager 7.2 for Change Management (applicable to other SAP Solution Manager scenario's such as ITSM where you have customer specific business roles). Furthermore it also discusses how this ends up being assigned to a user so you have the full view here on how to get this done and working at customer side).

You can find this information spread across different other sources and you could probably figure this out on your own as well (so if you want a challenge you can stop reading now and go figure this out).

*Update 21/03/2017


Note that if you only have one business role, you can use transaction DNO_CUST04 to change the default business role that is used (SOLMANPRO by default) by maintaining parameter IC_WC_DEFAULT_PROFILE and setting it to ZSOLMANPRO for example to make the Fiori tile call up CRM UI using business role ZSOLMANPRO. The configuration shown in this blog post thus serves the scenario where a customer has multiple business roles and being able to assign the right Fiori tile for the right end-user / business role in the end.


Fiori launchpad on SAP Solution Manager 7.2

SAP recently introduced SAP Solution Manager 7.2 and with it comes the Fiori launchpad


With that come a bunch of new configuration to perform, customizing options, transactions that you probably didn't use much before if you focus on SAP Solution Manager, some bits of technology and a need for troubleshooting in new ways as well

Uh oh, a lot of changes so here comes trouble

Ok, take a deep breath so we can get back on topic here...


Standard Fiori tile delivery

SAP delivers standard groups like "Change Management" with the necessary tiles to access the different functionality (apps or transactions or CRM UI or ...) of each scenario that is available on SAP Solution Manager

Sounds good so not much I need to do anyways right


It wouldn't be SAP if it's too straight forward right... (did I just say that out loud, woops)

The standard tile to access CRM UI in both cases of IT Service Management and CHARM (to give a couple of examples of scenario's that are widely used) goes to business role SOLMANPRO. You can edit the configuration of a Fiori tile but

Sounds easy enough

You cannot adjust the configuration of the SAP standard Fiori tile to point to another business role like ZSOLMANPRO. Usually customers won't be using the standard business role but a copy of it that has been adjusted to their specific needs.So you need to create your own custom tile to point to a specific business role.

Owke, gotcha

Fiori designer

Creating your own Fiori catalog, Fiori group and your own Fiori tile is done using the Fiori page builder. To be able to use the Fiori designer, you'll need specific services to be activate on your SAP Netweaver Gateway

SAP Netweaver Gateway Galore

First off all, your SAP Netweaver Gateway should be active, ensure the SAP Basis team ran through the necessary system preparation, infrastructure and basic configuration steps so your active has been activated. You can also still activate it again using SPRO - Activate SAP Gateway.

Now, navigate to transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE and ensure following services are active:

Credit goes to other people here, this was already mentioned in other blog posts and SAP sources. 

Yes, you're right but it's hard to find the right information when it's not really bundled together. I looked for more generic information on how to create a Fiori tile for example to figure this out.






If you cannot find these back (look for TRANSPORT in External Service Name column for example), you'll need to click on "add service" on top of this transaction in order to get these activated.

Fill in System Alias LOCAL_SM (default normally for SAP Solution Manager) and click on Get Services

If you still cannot find them in the result list, you've hit a dead end.

You are kidding right?

Yes, I'm kidding. You can refresh the metadata using instructions from SAP NOTE after which you should see them if you didn't see them before. If that doesn't work go into debug mode and step through the code to figure out what might be wrong.

You're really pushing it today 

The alternative is opening up a customer message.

Let's just not do that

2017117 - Resetting the gateway metadata cache following UI add-on upgrade

So, what's next?

You select the services from the result list which you want to activate and you click on "add selected services".

In the pop-up, assign a non local package so you can transport this to your productive environment later on.

Confirm on the bottom of the pop-up and you'll get a transport request pop-up to enter this into an existing transport request or create a new one.

Authorizations to perform the needful

Once the services have been activated, you are almost ready to go. But first you need specific authorization or you're not going to build anything today. Assign role (ensure it's profile is generated etc or put it into customer namespace):  SAP_UI2_Admin_700 for an administrator user and  role SAP_UI2_User_700 to end-users for personalization options.

SICF services that you'll need to have active

/default_host/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ ushell


When is it time for a break? Your word count is already higher than 700

No one said this would be super quick now did they? If it's too easy it's not that interesting now is it.

Getting started with the Page builder

Ok, so you call up URL https://<host SolMan>:<https port Solman>/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/arsrvc_upb_admn/main.html?scope=CONF&sap-client=100&sap-language=EN

Isn't there a better way to call up this app? 

I'm sure there is but I'm a techie, this works fine for me so let me go on. Stop arguing about little details here. The arsrv_upb_admin service in SICF goes to index.html which doesn't exist, so if you use "test service" over there, you'll need to replace index.html by main.html in the URL.

Owke ... sounds logical??

So you have a catalog which can contain one or more groups and you have tiles. On the top left you can switch between catalog and group and on the bottom left you can click "+" to create either a catalog or a group depending on which tab you are. On the right pane, you can click the "+" to create a new tile in the currently selected catalog or group.

Assigning a transport request

The engine wheel icon on the top right is used to assign a transport request (in some parts it states workbench, other parts customizing request, kinda confusing) that will be used to store what you're about to create. So you need to create that request or requests up front so you can actually assign a transport request when needed / wanted.

That's kind of weird, why doesn't it just prompt for a transport request when you create something, like in other parts of SAP Solution Manager when you perform configuration?

I wouldn't know, not sure that I really want to know either, this feels off to me from an end-user perspective but research probably pointed out this is fine or some other reason exists to justify this.

Creating a catalog

The definition of a catalog according to (reference)

Set of apps you want to make available for one role. Depending on the role and the catalog assigned to the role, the user can browse through the catalog, choose apps from this catalog, and add them to the entry page of the SAP Fiori launchpad.

After assigning the transport request, ensure you're on the "catalog" tab in the upper left corner and click on the "+" icon in the lower left corner.

Enter a title and ID for the catalog and click Save

You can see this differently and use different naming for your catalog like "change manager" and put all relevant tiles in this catalog for example, just to give one example.

I keep it simple here for purpose of showing how this works.

So now we have our catalog CHARM (with technical ID ZCHARM)


Time to create a custom Fiori tile now.

Creating a custom Fiori tile

Click on the "+" icon in the tile on the right pane (check last screenshot above)

Choose the correct tile type

How am I supposed to know which one is the correct one?

Ah, by looking at the existing tile, why make life hard when it can be easy.

Navigate back and have a look at catalog Change Management (if you don't have this in your selection screen, you are missing authorization (role SAP_SMWORK_CHANGE_MAN).

Go into that catalog

Click on the tile "Change and Release Management"

Take a screenshot (or just use this blog post for this specific case) of the configuration.

Now, go back to our newly created catalog and click "create tile" again.

You won't know by heart now which type it is either perhaps but you'll notice because the screen input fields need to match the above.

Spoiler alert

Choose the App Launcher - Static tile option.

Fill in the details as seen on the default tile of SAP, check off option semantic object navigation

Fill in target URL /sap/bc/bsp/sap/crm_ui_start/default.htm?saprole=ZSOLMANPRO

Defining to which business role the end-user will navigate

The target URL defines the business role used to log on. By adding saprole=<customer business role name> you make the tile log on to a specific business role.

Hit the Save button in the lower right corner of the screen to save the tile

So now we have a catalog with our custom tile in it

If we would grant an end-user the necessary authorization, they could already use this tile.

Creating a Fiori group

You can also create your own Fiori group (above screenshot shows an example) that has specific tiles from one or more Fiori catalogs.

In the above example, the first tile comes from the newly created Fiori catalog "CHARM" and the two other tiles come from SAP standard Fiori catalog Change Management.

Steps to follow are similar to creation of a catalog, you select the right tab on the top left pane and click the "+" icon in the lower left corner.

Give the group a title (title is shown in Fiori launchpad as header) and a unique identifier.

The flag "enable user to personalize their group" allows users to make certain tiles invisible for example given they have sufficient authorization.

Hit Save when done

You can then assign tiles (or links - not visible on screenshot). Clicking on the "+" icon takes you to the catalog and you can pick and choose which tiles are part of this new Fiori group.

Click on the "+" icon under the tile to add the tile to the group

Tile added succesfully

Repeat this to add the tiles you want to have in this group


Providing users with access to a specific catalog / group

Go to transaction PFCG and create a new role, for example ZFIORI_CHARM

Save the role and go to tab "Menu"

Click on the small arrow on the button "Transaction" to get a list of possible items you can add to tab Menu

Notice "SAP Fiori Tile Group" and "SAP Fiori Tile Catalog"

You'll see you can add group ZCHARM

If you put this into a role and assign it to a user, you would provide the user with the group Change Management which includes your custom Fiori tile.

Note that an end-user might need to log off and log on again after changes have been made to the configuration (after transporting custom tile to production for example, log off and log on again to see it appear in Fiori launchpad given the right authorization / roles are assigned).


Assigning a catalog is done similarly and provides access to the catalog so the end-user can pick and choose tiles from the catalog when customizing his/her Fiori launchpad screen.


You can now create your own Fiori catalog, Fiori group, custom Fiori tile for CHARM and assign it to an end-user.

The same method can be used to create a custom tile for other scenario's based on CRM UI such as incident management (ITSM) or even beyond that create additional tiles.
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