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In this blog, I am going to discuss the steps to create your first FIORI analytical app using SAP Smart Business KPI Modeller.
Before going to start let's understand what is FIORI Analytical App.
What is FIORI Analytical App?
Analytical apps are used to provide role-based real-time information about business operations. Analytical apps integrate the power of SAP HANA with SAP business suite. It provides real-time information from a large volume of data in the front-end web browsers.
Using Analytical apps, you can closely monitor Key Performance Indicators KPIs. You can perform complex aggregations and calculations of your business operations and react immediately as per the changes in the market condition.
SAP Fiori Analytical apps run on SAP HANA database and use Virtual data models.
There are two types of Analytical Apps −
- SMART Business
- Virtual Data Models
SMART Business
SAP Fiori smart business apps are used to monitor your most important KPIs in real-time and to make changes as per market conditions immediately.
Note − There are around 84 Analytical apps under this umbrella and out of these, you have 69 apps are smart business apps and rest 15 are Analytical Apps.
What is a KPI Modeler?
It is a tool used to model KPI and report tiles for monitoring the business data using Fiori Launchpad. You can define KPIs and reports to which you can apply different calculations and it enables you to make adjustments according to changing market conditions. You can configure drill-down views.
SAP HANA Live provides exceptional capability analytics for all business suite by enabling industry-standard access to SAP data through data models.
The data models are used for analytical purposes using views in the HANA database. The views from a virtual data model that a customer and partner can reuse.
Now, let's see the steps to follow to create a new KPI Report for any of your business processes.
1. Open your Fiori Launchpad, you will see
KPI Modeller Tiles
2. Click on the
Create KPI Tile
3. You should enter
Description, Choose
Goal Type from options Maximizing, Minimizing or Range
4: You should select
SAP HANA View from the Value Help
5. Select the
HANA View and then search for
OData Service from OData Service Value help.
6. Now, select the respective
OData Service and respective
Entity Set.
7: Now, Search for
Value Measure from Measure Value help.
8. Click on
Activate and Add Evaluation
9. Once clicked on
Activate and Add Evaluation, the Add Evaluation page opens up. On this page some of the fields are prefilled. This data is fetched from KPI.
10. Select a few
Additional Measures
11: Now, Select
optional Filters
12: Select
Value Type
13: You can also Enter
Threshold, and
Trend if required
14: Now, click on
Activate and Configure Tile
15: Once you clicked on
Add Tile,
Add Tile page opens up, you can choose any tile type as per your requirement.
16: After clicking on
Save and Configure Drill Down, the Drill-Down Configuration Details page will come up.
Now, you have to select an Evaluation and click on Configure Button.
17: Now, select
Measures and
18: You can select the
Visualization Type and
Save View
19: Save the new Configuration
20: Now, you can go to
Tile Catalog in
Fiori Launchpad and search for the KPI Tile that was created and Add Tile to Group by Clicking on ‘+’ icon
That's it!!! Your new KPI report will be available on your Fiori Launchpad.
Thanks & Regards,
Rahul Patra