Complete configurations steps done in SPRO(SAP ERP...
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I was working on project : Replicating Employee Master Data from Employee Central to SAP ERP HCM via CPI.
For this purpose I have used the Standard package available in CPI named: SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to ERP Employee and Organizational Data. You can simply find them in discovery tab of CPI, And particularly for Employee Master data replication we have to use the Artifact 1 available in this package named: SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to ERP Employee Data and Organizational Assignment.
For complete configuration step for Replicating Employee Master Data from Employee Central to SAP ERP HCM via CPI you can follow this configuration guide. I have also taken reference from this configuration guide.
Now I am telling You the common steps which needs to be followed while replicating employee master data from EC to ERP Later in this blog post I will tell you complete configuration steps which is needed to be done in SPRO(SAP ERP HCM) system for the same.
For Replicating Employee Master Data from EC To SAP ERP HCM We have to follow the following steps:
Prepare the system connectivity of SAP ERP HCM System We need to do the Configurations in Transaction SOAMANAGER for activating inbound and outbound web services.(Generally configurations are done in web service configurations and Simplified Web Service Configuration).
Install all the root certificates in Transaction STRUST.
In CPI in Monitoring tab in keystore install all security related certificates and in Security materal tab add all the user credentials for SAP ERP HCM system as well as for SuccessFactors system.
Open the artifact and do all the configurations like adding the endpoint Urls ,adding credentials and all the other required information.
Open SuccessFactors and in Manage permission roles ,give access to all the required permissions necessary for replication of Employee master Data from the system.
In SuccessFactors Create replication Target system object.
In SAP ERP HCM system do all the customizing activity in Transaction SPRO.(In details discussed below )
Run the Query( ECPAO_EE_ORG_REPL_QUERY) in Transaction SE38 if connectivity and everything goes well you can see the logs in transaction SLG1 with the required data otherwise you can see the error logs.
All these things are not discussed in details, I will post more blog posts discussing these steps in details.
This Blog post is Particularly about Configurations which are done in SPRO(Integration perspective) T-Code which i think is most essential part in this whole configuration and most of us find this part little difficult and challenging.
Configuration Steps done in TransactionSPRO:
STEP 1:How and where to reach the path where configurations are done.
a.In SAP Easy Access Screen type Transaction SPRO
b. Navigate to path SAP Reference IMG > SAP Customizing Implementation Guide >Personnal Management> Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central >Business Integration Builder > Basic Settings and Employee Data Integration.
Most of the configuration are done in Basic settings and Employee Data Integration.
STEP 2: System prepratory Steps:
1. Use Decoupled and Not Decoupled IT Framework
This is the system prepratory step.
a. Go to Transaction SPRO > SAP customizing implementation guide> Personnel Management >Personnel Administration >Customizing Procedures > Infotypes > Infotypes in Detached Infotype Framework >Use Decoupled and Not Decoupled IT Framework.
2. Activating BIB(Bisuness Integration Builder) If we want to use this integration it is essential to activate Business Integration Builder Mode
In your SAP ERP HCM system, go to Customizing for Personnel Management and choose Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central>Business Integration Builder > Basic Settings > Maintain the Constant Values.
In the Constant Name field choose. Activate BIB for EC to ERP Employee Replication.
3: Allowing replication for payroll areas(optional step)
1. In your SAP ERP HCM system, go to Customizing for Personnel Management and choose Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central>Business Integration Builder > Basic Settings > Maintain the Constant Values 2. In the Constant Name field choose:EC to ERP (BIB / Non-BIB): Allow Replic. in Correction Phase 3. In the Constant Value field, enter X. Reference Resource:
STEP 3:This step shows setting up your employee Central Instance
In your SAP ERP HCM system, go to Customizing for Personnel Management and choose Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central>Business Integration Builder > Basic Settings >Specify Employee Central Instance ID
2. Enter the ID of your Employee Central Instance and Description.
First, export the metadata file from the Employee Central System and save it to your desktop.
In your SAP ERP HCM System go to Customizing for Personnel Management and choose Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central>Business Integration Builder > Basic Settings > Import Meta data from from Employee Central > Choose Import Metadata for Web Service-Based Data Transfer from Employee Central
3. a. Enter your EC Instance
b.Select the EC Entities for which you want to update the MetaData. You can select multiple entries at once also.
c.Select the path of your EC MetaData file from your computer.
In Action Type you can Select the various options: a.Test Run : To sample run this activity without affecting the Existing MetaData.
b. To update the currently available MetaData.
c. To delete the MetaData.
Note: List of Mandatory Templates and infotypes Required for a Successful Replication of Employee Master Data:(web service based)
WS_2 (Biographical Info Template) WS_3 (Employment Info Template)
WS_4 (Job Info Template)
WS_5 (Personal Info Template)
WS_11(Compensation Template) Mandatory SAP ERP Infotypes: IT0000(Events and Event reasons) IT0001( organizational assignments) IT0002(personal information)
STEP 5: In this step we will do all the configuration which is to be done to define Value mapping.
This step maps the field or values of EC Employee Central keys to corresponding keys or values of SAP ERP HCM system. For Example : In EC lets say one Divsion is Highway and in SAP ERP HCM key 0000 is assigned to Division Highway so here in this step we define all the steps to map these keys.
This step replaces the Employee Central field values or keys to corresponding SAP ERP HCM keys.
In your SAP ERP HCM System go to Customizing for Personnel Management and choose Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central>Business Integration Builder > Basic Settings >Define Value Mapping
A. For using Picklist Value From EC you can import the picklist file from your EC System to your SAP ERP HCM System.
1. First Export Picklist from Employee Central. 2. In your SAP ERP HCM System go to Customizing for Personnel Management and choose Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central>Business Integration Builder > Basic Settings >Define Value Mapping> Import Picklist from Employee Central.
a. Select your EC Instance. b. choose your EC Picklist File from your local computer.
c. Enter the locale of the picklist labels that you want to import.
d. Select the Update Picklist checkbox .
e. Execute it and picklist will be uploaded.
B. Defining Value Mapping Entities:
In your SAP ERP HCM System go to Customizing for Personnel Management and choose Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central>Business Integration Builder > Basic Settings >Define Value Mapping>Defining Value Mapping Entities.
You can copy the sample content for your convenience.
You will get all standard entries and you can modify and adjust according to the needs.
Enter Name and description of value mapping Entity.
In value mapping Type Enter weather it is foundation object or picklist lable, option id and so on.
To use the picklist values that you have imported to SAP ERP HCM from EC you can select from the EC Picklist Id field dropdown.
4. To use available input help values from an infotype field in the value mapping details, specify the SAP ERP HCM value help.
This field is a combination of technical name of the infotype table (such as PA0002) and the technical name of the infotype field (such as GESCH), connected with a hyphen (as in PA0002-GESCH).
3. Defining Value Mapping Details:
The value mapping details maps SAP ERP HCM values or keys to the corresponding Employee Central values(keys).
In your SAP ERP HCM System go to Customizing for Personnel Management and choose Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central>Business Integration Builder > Basic Settings >Define Value Mapping>Defining Value Mapping Details.
Enter your EC Instance and Value mapping entity you defined in Define value mapping step.
3.Map SAP ERP HCM keys and the corresponding Employee Central keys.
If the value mapping entity has a picklist ID and a SAP ERP HCM value help assigned, you can select suitable picklist values in the EC Key field and corresponding input help values in the ERP Key field.
NOTE: Ask your HCM and EC Consultant to provide you with the list of SAP ERP HCM Keys and corresponding EC keys.
HCM Keys you can get from dropdown and EC Keys if you used picklist and picklist is available you can see it in dropdown values otherwise you can add keys as provided by your consultant.
1. Creating a Transformation Template Group :
A template group bundles all field mappings that you want to use when transferring data from Employee Central to SAP ERP HCM.
To define template groups, In your SAP ERP HCM System go to Customizing for Personnel Management and choose Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central>Business Integration Builder >Employee Data Integration > Define Field Mapping for Employee Data.
2. Go to Define Transformation template group option
3. Enter Name and Description of your transformation template group. 4. In basic Settings: EC Instance: Enter your EC Instance
Communication Channel: Web Service Transfer
Sample Content: From the dropdown choose your suitable Sample Content for example:EE_WS_2 in above.
5. In ERP/EC Integration :
Define an earliest transfer date: You can specify this date to start employee data replication at a specific point in time. This prevents the complete history of data records being replicated from Employee Central to SAP ERP HCM. If you define an earliest transfer date for a transformation template group, this date influences effective-dated and non-effective dated templates in different ways.
Check the Enable for Delta Replication Checkbox if you want to use this integration to reflect Delta Changes.
You can map fields from the transformation template to fields from the assigned Employee Central entity.
To define template groups, In your SAP ERP HCM System go to Customizing for Personnel Management and choose Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central>Business Integration Builder >Employee Data Integration > Define Field Mapping for Employee Data.
Go to Transformation Template option.
If you want to add the transformation template Go to New Entries you will get the below screen
In this screen add the name of your transformation template like Biographical_info, compensation .
Check the Is Active check box
Select the corresponding EC Entity like WS_4 for JOB_INFO etc.
Communication Channel and Entity Name in EC will reflect itself.
STEP 7: 1. Defining Field Mapping for Employee Data
To define template groups, In your SAP ERP HCM System go to Customizing for Personnel Management and choose Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central>Business Integration Builder >Employee Data Integration > Define Field Mapping for Employee Data.
Go to Transformation template and select transformation template for which you want to create the primary field mapping.
An easy way to to define your field mapping is to copy the sample content.
After copying sample content screen will look like this. You will get most of the mappings after copying the sample content and also you can adjust it according to your requirements.
3. To create New entries or custom entries in Primary mapping field Go to New Entries Option.
You will get this screen after you choose New Entries .
1. From the EC Field Dropdown choose the EC field you want to create field mapping for
2. In Mapping Mode choose Infotype mapping.
In Infotype Field Select the infotype For example : 0000 for actions ; 0001 for organizational assignments etc.
3. If your field has subtype then select subtype.
4. In Infotype Field Enter the technical name of the field.
5. If any secondary mapping is associated with your Primary Mapping then enter the value in linking field.
8. Leave the Preconfigured Entity blank.
9. In value mapping Entity option choose the related Value mapping entity that you defined in previous step to use the value mapping keys.
STEP 8: For filtering or ignoring the unwanted infotype and subtype you can do it from .Filtering of Infotype and Subtype for Employee Central
This is optional step
To define template groups, In your SAP ERP HCM System go to Customizing for Personnel Management and choose Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central>Business Integration Builder >Employee Data Integration > Define Filtering of Infotype and Subtype for Employee Central
STEP 9:Defining Parameters for the Employee Master Data and Organizational Assignment Query
This is important step as here we define the parameters for querying the program(ECPAO_EE_ORG_REPL_QUERY) Go to Customizing for Personnel Management and choose Integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central >Business Integration Builder > Employee Data Integration > Define Parameters for Employee Master Data and Org. Assignment Query
TRANSFORMATION TEMPLATE GROUP: Select your template group.This is a mandatory step.
COMPANY: By Entering the company name you can Restrict the replication to employees who have a job in a specific company.(Optional)
COUNTRY: By Entering the Country name you can Restrict the replication to employees who have a job in a specific country specified in their Job Information in Employee Central.(Optional)
MATCHING: Data from EC is transferred for only those employees whose Country and Company is mentioned in previous filtering step.(Optional)
EMPLOYEE CLASS:You can restrict the replication to employees who have a job of a specific employee class(optional)
TYPE OF WORKFORCE: Decide for which group of your workforce data is to be replicated.This is mandatory step.
REPLICATION ORGANIZATIONAL ASSIGNMENTS CHECKBOX: Include organizational assignments into the replication or not by checking the checkbox.(optional)
EXCLUDING ORG. ASSIGNMENT:Excluding replication of organizational assignments for employees with specific employment statuses.(Optional)
TARGET SYSTEM: Enter the external code of the Replication Target System object that you created in Employee Central ,This is mandatory step.use Transaction S44C to get detail of your replication target system.
USE EXTERNAL ID:To use OBJID(External Id) field while replicating cost centers mark this checkbox.(Optional).
MULTIPLE JOB EVENTS: To Enable replication of multiple job events per day mark this checkbox.(Optional)
ENABLE NOTIFICATION CHECKBOX: If you want to Enable notifications to create in Employee Central Data Replication Monitor mark this checkbox.(Optional)
DISABLE CONFIRMATIONS: If you want to disable confirmations for data being transferred from EC check this checkbox(Optional)
CONCLUSION: This is how one can do complete configuration in SPRO for replicating employee master data from EC To SAP ERP HCM. Some configurations can be changed according to your organization structure and values. Hope this blog is helpful for all.