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Custom Code Management Work Center

All About Custom Code Management work center


CCLM- Brief description of the functionality

  • CCLM can be used for creating a library of custom codes

  • It gives you information of number (quantity) of custom code in various systems on various attributes like criticality and severity (enhancement, modification and custom code)

  • Programs which are not being used for last 12 months so that they can be marked for decommissioning. It has functionality of decommissioning

  • There is a quality cockpit as well which shows rating of objects as low/medium/high quality objects. This is done using “ATC” run (which I am not clear about)

  • CCLM has graphical (bars/graphs/pie charts)representation of the custom code quality

  • Based on ATC run it will also show results based on individual object as well. These results show to be improved messages and error messages.

Challenge- How to find unused code in ABAP systems


Benefits- Strong Governance and effort reduction during upgrades

Benefits- Strong Governance and effort reduction during upgrades

1.Cost reductionà During upgrades with focus on relevant custom code objects.

2.Decommission unused/obsolete code.

3.Document ownership, contract and other information for custom code objects.

4.Transparency of custom code number, usage, quality and many other information in different systems.


->Execute t-code CCLM


 City Model

The integrated 3D City Model provides a graphical overview of the current custom code situation in the selected systems.

The city model is based on 3 + 1 dimensions: the three dimensions of the graph (quantity, criticality, and severity) plus either quality or usage information displayed in the tables.

You can use this overview to monitor your custom developments and as a basis to decide whether further custom code management activities are necessary.


Indicates how far the objects differ from the SAP standard.

The severity level is based on the CCLM attribute SAPSeverity

The following severity levels are available:

SAPSeverity=1 Enhancements

Coding using released interfaces and frameworks

SAPSeverity=3 Modifications

Changed SAP objects

SAPSeverity=5 Custom Code

Independently developed custom objects


Indicates how critical your custom developments are.

This criticality rating is defined by the factors specified in the Business Criticality Setup step in the Custom Code Management scenario of SAP Solution Manager Configuration.

The value is stored in the CCLM attribute SAP Criticality.

SAP Criticality=1: Low Criticality

SAP Criticality=5: High Criticality


The number of objects in the selected systems.

The additional dimension is displayed in the tables on the right,you can switch between usage Information and quality information.

The total number of the Custom Code, Modification, and Enhancement objects in the selected systems is displayed above the graph, along with the trend.

Library Definitions

The library definition view provides an overview of active and inactive custom code libraries. You can upload and download library definitions as XML files.


The objects view displays the results of completed data collection jobs, that is, all custom objects and their attributes that were collected in the active library. You can maintain attributes and references for some objects.


The quality cockpit displays the results of ABAP Test Client (ATC) runs and the open exemptions created for the results over a certain period of time. You can analyze the results and accept or reject open exemptions.

In the quality cockpit you can create new quality projects using the analysis runs of the ABAP Test Cockpit (ATC) tool.

Please find the reference for Transactions SCI and ATC


The decommissioning cockpit helps you identify redundant or obsolete custom code. You create decommissioning analyses and schedule background jobs to monitor custom code objects in your system for activity over a defined period.


The dashboard is integrated in the CCM (Custom Code Management) work center. You can set CCM-related objectives and measure your progress toward these goals using fully customizable scorecards and KPIs.

Value Management Dashboard

The Value Management Dashboard (formally ICI) is a tool which helps to visualize the objectives and improve business values,With this dashboard we can use these data easily and visualize added value. Measured data, defined KPIs and monitored results are managed with the SAP Solution Manager. Using the Value Management Dashboard created or improved business value can be shown.

Please find the Wiki link about “Value Management Dashboard”

In order to navigate to the “Value Management Dashboard”  Execute t-code Solman_workcenter

In Search field  Choose “All”  and provide  “value” and then click “App Engagements”

Business Value

The following KPIs are predefined by SAP:

  • Total number of custom code objects

  • Total number of low quality objects

  • Total number of objects not used

  • Percentage of objects with criticality level 4 and 5

  • Total number of objects of severity level 1 – Enhancements

  • Total number of objects of severity level 3 – Modifications

Total number of objects of severity level 5 – Customer Objects

Key Performance Indicators

Click to Select” for opening a KPI as below

Total # of Custom Code Objects

Total # of not used objects

Click on “?” button to navigate to “Custom Code Management Work Center”

Configuring the Dashboard

Click on “Wheel” button as below

Click on Edit

Required custom changes can be done

KPI’s color coding or view can be customized

By clicking “History Log” give the summary of logs.

Related Links

CCLM Wiki :

CCLM- How to Guide :

Training Videos :



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