We know that we can build a Mobile Web Application in an SAP System using SAP BSP and Html5 /Javascript / Css . There are a lot of Javascript Frameworks that help us to create the optimized mobile UI Layer . Most popular frameworks are Sencha Touch , jQuery Mobile, jQTouch ,etc and we can include this frameworks in our Sap BSP application;
these 3 blogs by john.moy3 (Build your first Mobile web app using jQuery Mobile and ABAP - Part 1) describe in a great way how to build our Mobile Web Apps using jQueryMobile ( http://jquerymobile.com ) and this is not the purpose of this blog.
So we can use our BSP Mobile application from iPad , iPhone , Android Devices , etc… I create my BSP Link Shortcut on my iPad Home and I see this logon screen.
Not good for a mobile device user! Not mobile optimized , we need to zoom in,it's not the right logon page for a web mobile application.
Thanks to the Official Documentation ( http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70ehp2/helpdata/en/48/3a061a902131c3e10000000a42189d/frameset.htm ) and this great blog by sergio.ferrari2 (BSP/HowTo - Customizing the design of System Logon page in NetWeaver '04 ) we know that we can change the screen layout for each SICF service creating a custom Abap Class , in SICF Bsp service -> Error Pages -> Logon Errors -> System Logon (Configuration) -> Define Service-Specific Settings -> Custom Implementation (Abap Class).
Yeah, now we can build our custom jQuery Mobile Logon Screen creating a new custom class that is a subclass of CL_ICF_SYSTEM_LOGIN !
I found the class CL_ICF_EXAMPLE01_LOGIN that is a good starting point for our custom class , so I copied the example class to ZCL_ICF_JQUERYMOBILE_LOGIN .
In HTM_LOGIN method the standard code builds the Logon Page , here we can insert our custom html code.
This “single page” template http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.0/docs/pages/page-template.html is my starting point to build our logon page.
Exploring the standard SAP Code in HTM_LOGIN method , I noticed that it uses <table> elements , so we must replace html tables , rows and cells with jQueryMobile DIVs and Attributes such as “header” , “content” and “footer” (anathomy of a mobile “Page”).
The Abap Internal Table me->m_logmessages contain all Logon system messages (warning about SSO , HTTPS , ecc..): i put this messages in a jQueryMobile “collapsible” DIV container (not collapsed by default) , but we are free to build our Layout as we want.
Important: In jQuery Mobile, form submissions are automatically handled using Ajax but in our situation we need to prevent it adding data-ajax="false" attribute to the form element.
Now we can call tcode SICF to set our custom class ZCL_ICF_JQUERYMOBILE_LOGIN
This is the code of my basic HTM_LOGIN method(we should consider other important aspects , for example the “Change Password” button linked to 'htm_change_passwd' method,logon languages , etc..).
Here you can download this basic example of ZCL_ICF_JQUERYMOBILE_LOGIN (slinkee)
method HTM_LOGIN.
* .
**A.SPADONI - 27.12.2011 - htm_login Method from CL_ICF_EXAMPLE01_LOGIN
**A.SPADONI - 27.12.2011 - jquerymobile login html page
data: lv_msg_item type bspmsg.
'<!DOCTYPE html> '
'<html> '
'<meta charset="utf-8">'
'<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">'
'<title>jQueryMobile - BSP Logon</title>'
'<link rel="stylesheet"'
' href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.3.0/jquery.mobile-1.3.0.min.css"/>'
' src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>'
' src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.3.0/jquery.mobile-1.3.0.min.js">'
'<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">'
'</head>' ` <body onLoad="` me->co_js_cookie_check `();">`
into rv_html. "#EC NOTEXT
'<div data-role="page">'
'<div data-role="header">'
'<h1>BSP Custom Logon using jQueryMobile</h1>'
'</div><!-- /header -->' '<div data-role="content">' into rv_html.
***********messages data content
if me->m_logmessages is not initial.
'<div data-role="collapsible" data-content-theme="e" data-collapsed="'
'<h3>Messages</h3>' into rv_html.
loop at me->m_logmessages into lv_msg_item.
concatenate rv_html '<p>' lv_msg_item-message '</p>' into rv_html.
CONCATENATE rv_html '</div>' into rv_html.
***********messages data content - end
*********login FORM
CONCATENATE rv_html `<div data-role="fieldcontain"><form name="`
me->co_form_login `" action="` me->m_sap_application
`" method="post" data-ajax="false">`
iv_hidden_fields into rv_html.
'<div data-role="fieldcontain"><label for="' me->co_sap_user
'<input type="text" id="' me->co_sap_user
'" name="' me->co_sap_user
'" value="" placeholder="Username"/></div>'
'<div data-role="fieldcontain"><label for="'
me->co_sap_password '">Password:</label>'
'<input type="password" id="'
'" name="' me->co_sap_password
'" value="" placeholder="Password"/></div>'
`<div data-role="fieldcontain"><a type="submit" data-role="button" data-theme="b" n`
`ame="submit" value="Logon" onclick="`
`('` me->co_event_login `'); return false;">Logon</a></div>`
into rv_html.
CONCATENATE rv_html '</form></div>' into rv_html.
********login FORM - end
' </div><!-- /content -->'
' <div data-role="footer">'
'<h4>Footer content</h4>'
' </div><!-- /footer -->'
'</div><!-- /page -->'
'</html>' into rv_html.
and this is the final result!
by sergio.ferrari2
by john.moy3
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