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ASUG Members THANK YOU for your participation.

We continue to reach out to our ASUG Members in order to better understand where ASUG can help and how we are doing in delivery to your educational, networking and SAP influence requirement.  In this latest survey we asked for your feedback on 2014 and what we needed to strive for in 2015.

We asked about communities you are participating in, activities you participate in, conference you have attended and what you want to see more of in 2015.

In summary of over 75% of respondents attend chapter meetings, almost 88% attended ASUG webcasts, and the top topic requests are roadmaps and customer stories.

To the 137 of you responding to our questions, we appreciate you taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.  We have already started incorporating your feedback into our plans for 2015 Annual Conference and year round education planning.

See the responses below:

Question 1: What Communities do you participate in?

It is great to see so many of you leveraging the opportunity to share your experience at your local ASUG Chapter.  This year the community worked with chapters to co-promote and collaborate.

Question 2: Please rank the value of the following ASUG member benefits associated with the ASUG BI community

Webcasts has been identified very clearly as the most valuable benefit and we have provided 75 webcasts in the year 2014 with almost 17K webcast registrations.   We are planning to continue this effort, so that you as member can continue to learn more about the SAP product portfolio. Additionally this community supports the planning of ASUG Annual Conference, SAP TechEd, and the ASUG BusinessObjects User Conference.

Question 3: Which of the following events have you attended in the past five years? (check all that apply)

As we did see already with question 2, the webcasts have seen a huge amount of member interest, as well as the local chapter meetings but it is also great to see your interest in conferences.  For the conferences we will use this survey feedback to plan the conferences.

Question 4: Please rank the following areas in order of importance according to the information you’d like to get in webcasts

SAP BusinessObjects BI platform, Analysis Office, Lumira, Design Studio and Web Intelligence are your most important topics for future ASUG BI webcasts. We will use this information as guidance for the upcoming webcast planning and also in our coordination with the Chapter meetings.

Question 5: Please rank the following six topics according to importance for you

In addition to the guidance on the product related topics from the previous question, Roadmaps, Customer Stores and Introductions to new technology are the most relevant topics according to this survey.  We have already started setting up ASUG 2015 webcasts and so far most of them are from customers.

Survey Comments

Below were some of the written comments received:

“the webcasts are very great. please keep them going.”

“Perhaps more practical use of the products”

“You guys are doing an awesome job on the newsletters. Keep it up!”

“For question #5 I consider them all important. We need a range of webcasts that include all these topics. When the product is new we need introductions and roadmaps. When the product has been around some we need customer experiences and lessons learned. I prefer the Customer experiences at conferences to allow for more networking with the presenter and others interested in the topic/product.”


We would like to thank everyone that took the time to provide this very valuable feedback and we will take this feedback for our upcoming planning process for another successful year 2015 with the ASUG BI community.

Don’t forget to submit for ASUG Annual Conference – deadline is January 5th

Special thanks to ASUG volunteers, our SAP Points of Contact ingo.hilgefort ina.mutschelknaus and our ASUG Chicago contact danny.pancratz

This was co-written with fellow ASUG Volunteer joyce.butler3


Lumira Storyof 75 Webcasts

Submit Early, Submit Often for ASUG Annual Conference 2015 - Top 10 Tips to Submit

ASUG Reporting SIG Newsletter

Upcoming ASUG BI 2015 Webcasts - Sign Up Today | ASUG

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