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Introduction : Recently I have been reading a lot of SAP Documentation (SAPX03, SAPX11 etc) and found a lot of TCODEs scattered across the documents, so thought of collating them in a single place for reference and share with you too. The document presents a collection of  TCODEs that are used at different points during SAP Fiori Administration and related activities.

Target Audience : SAP Fiori Consultants

Date published : 1 Feb 2016

Note for readers : Please do let me know if any mistake has crept in or if you would like to see any more TCODEs added to the list via your comments.

Administration related

PFCG : role maintenance administration to manage roles and authorization data. Also assign catalogues and groups to a role etc

SICF : activate ICF services

SM59 : define RFC connection towards target system to be enabled as trusted in source system

SICF_SESSIONS : activate HTTP security session management

SAPUI5 related

SE38 -> /UI5/UI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD : Upload/Download SAP UI5 applications

LPD_CUST : register a UI5 application

SAP Gateway/OData Services related

SE11 : ABAP data dictionary, you may have to include structure to extend an OData service

SE80 : Access BSP applications that contain SAPUI5 applications

SEGW : Generate Odata services from DDIC, BOR or RFCs

/IWFND/GW_CLIENT : execute OData Services

/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE : register newly created custom OData service

/IWFND/CACHE_CLEANUP : clear Gateway cache on changing model

/IWBEP/CACHE_CLEANUP : clear Gateway cache on changing model

/IWFND/MED_ACTIVATE : to activate or deactivate the cache. Caching should be disabled in Development systems and enabled in Production systems

Semantic Objects related

/UI2/SEMOBJ_SAP : list of all sematic objects

/UI2/FLIA : display semantic objects and action pairs in use

Theme Designer related

/UI5/THEME_TOOL : tool for Customer Themes Maintenance

/UI5/THEME_DESIGNER : launch Theme Designer

Troubleshooting related

/IWFND/APPS_LOG : find structure that causes problem

/IWFND/ERROR_LOG: error logs related to OData service

SITSPMON : clear ITS cache

Connector Cockpit related

ESH_COCKPIT : launches connector administration cockpit

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