Alert Configuration(Standard and Custom process) i...
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Alert – Any errors in interfaces like channel error or adaptor engine errors or connectivity errors can set alerts based on interfaces.
It gives more flexibility and usability.
You can include standard and custom alerts to the all the interfaces or specific interface in SAP PO through Alert configuration.
Alert configuration process in PO
Step by step process for Standard Alert process
Create Alert Rule in ID and add specific consumer. Then add Integrated Configuration(ICO) in alert rule.
Add Task using AlertConsumerJob in NWA. You can provide below details to set task.
Set the execution time and add the task. You can check the job based on recurring time. you can see the information and logs of alert in job parameter.
Standard alert example.
Step by step process for Custom Alert process
Step 1 is same as standard process.
Custom alert template is used in the AlertConsumerJobV2 to implement the custom alerts. Template supports only text file.
Add Task using AlertConsumerJobV2 in NWA. You can provide below details.
you can prepare EmailTemplateFile and place in path /usr/sap/ of corresponding SAP PO server in text format. you can provide that path in template parameter.
Custom Alert example.
Alerts trigger a mail directly to inbox.You can know the errors in interfaces without checking the monitoring page in PO.
You can include one or more mail ids using comma in "TO" parameter to inform error information in the interface.
You can easily configure standard and custom process for alerts in SAP PO by this blog post.