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Another excellent article by jan.schober on how to add a replication based MBO to the Hybrid Web Container.

In this scenario, the native classes will be interfacing with SUP’s generated native Object API code. As these generated classes will vary from project to project, an automation tool for generating this interface is needed. On the other end, the functions providing the API to execute the native code from the JavaScript space need to be adjusted to the generated code as well.

An extension of a tool called MetaGenerator aka MetaGen (provided by SAP’s Mobility Design Center) is used to work with SUP’s 2.1.3 MBO models.

MetaGen creates a simplified metadata-structure (XML) out of SUP’s deployment_unit.xml. This metadata- XML is used as an input to an XSL-Transformation run using Saxon. This uses the metadata-XML to create ObjectiveC and JavaScript source code-files based on XSL-templates.

See the full article complete with PDF instruction manual at the link below:

Obviously the same approach can be used to add a replication based MBO to a PhoneGap application.  Excellent :smile:

Adding native MBO Object API to the Hybrid Web Container

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