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Vol. 2/12 - October 2012

  1. Featured Content
  2. Customer Stories
  3. Product Announcements
  4. Upcoming Events & Webinars
  5. Other News

Welcome to the ACT Newsletter!

In many organizations, October represents a key milestone in the budgeting and planning for the coming year. Clearly, Analytics plays a key role in the planning process. Whether you have a formal budgeting application or are still using spreadsheets, it is a good time to reflect on how you can improve this process and how you are going to, inevitably, try and do more with less next year.

In this issue of the ACT Newsletter, we have focused on bringing together articles which will continue to support your analytics cultural transformation initiatives, as well as information to improve your budgeting processes. Next month, we look forward to spending some time on a topic which is top of mind for many of you and all of us here upgrading your BI system to BI 4.

Saskia Battersby, GM BI Solution Management


Alignment − a key piece in the Decision-making Revolution

To survive, companies now must be built to change. And that’s not possible unless everyone in your company is aligned around the company’s strategy and objectives. Just having the information isn’t enough… it’s what you do with that information that counts. Corporate alignment is tough in a world that is ever-changing – globally and virtually. Not to mention the constant stream of mergers, acquisitions, divestures and a variety of other outside pressures. Learn how John Schweitzer, SVP and GM for Analytics at SAP, is helping companies deliver intelligent data.

Importance of alignment in the Decision-making Revolution »

Budgeting in a Mobile World

The past few years has seen tremendous advancements in technology. How do these rapidly changing times affect businesses? More specifically, how do these rapidly changing times affect the Office of Finance, which has seen its own share of operational changes over the same span? Check out the following post to see how SAP addresses the needs for the Office of Finance in these changing times.

Demand more insight from your financial metrics »

Creating an Analytics Driven Culture   ProMorphics approach

How different would your organization be if everyone was making the best possible decision based on the most trusted and accessible information available every single time? Empowering everyone from shop floor to the top floor with the right information at the right time is one of the most effective and proven ways to drive innovation.

Explore how to increase organizational maturity in analytics »

Avoiding Olympic-sized budget overruns

Prior to the start of the London Olympics, many stories aired about the colossal budget overrun. These types of overruns are not uncommon for large, complex projects. Major IT projects in particular are often victims to “black swan” events − extremely rare, unexpected events that have massive impacts. See what common problems have led Faulkner to run over budget as well.

Find out on average how much IT projects run over budget »

Creating a happy marriage between business and IT

Business Intelligence has been a top CIO investment priority for five years running. The return from analytics is much larger than the entire IT budget. However organizations struggle to take their Analytics program to the next level.  Explore steps for developing and delivering a comprehensive BI strategy – a strategy that will bring together the priorities of both CIO and business executives. 

Steps to building a solid BI strategy »

Why silos are best left in the barnyard

The impact of data silos for businesses is difficult to calculate but the effects are felt by many. Aberdeen Analyst Insight Paper discusses why point BI solutions are making way for the platforms of the future. It includes valuable research and statistics which highlight the importance of taking a holistic view of data management and enterprise reporting and analytics.

Get rid of data silo inefficiency »

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Applied Medical: Customer Testimonial Video

Applied Medical is a medical devices company that designs, manufactures, and markets surgical devices. See why the company chose SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation to improve efficiencies in consolidation and financial reporting, centralizing information and simplifying processes.

Find out what made them decide on SAP »

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SAP BusinessObjects Mobile 4.3 for iOS now available

Looking for new visual charts and graphs, as well as language support for your analytics? Look no further!

Get the latest update for SAP BusinessObjects Mobile 4.3 »

SAPBusinessObjects Analysis 1.3 for Microsoft Office 1.3

Several new features have been introduced in the latest release of SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office to enhance your ability to perform multidimensional ad-hoc analysis of OLAP data sources in Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint.

Watch the tutorial for SAP BusinessObjects Analysis 1.3 »

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ASUG SAP BusinessObjects User Conference

Think you missed out? Think again! We've got blog recaps and video replays available for you.

Highlights from the ASUG SAP BusinessObjects User Conference »



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