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                                                                                    Error: FWM 20031

Issue occured on System: SAP BI 4.0/4.1

CMS DB on: SQL server 2008

How to reproduce the Issue: When user tries to login to BI Launchpad, experiencing login failure due to FWM 20031 error.

There are many reasons which may cause this error. This document deals with few of them.

A) CMS DB password Expiration

Steps to resolve this issue:

1)      1) Login to SAP BI 4.0/4.1 server and navigate to CCM-->SIA-->Properties-->Configuration--> click on the CMS DB specify option .If you get the similar CMS DB error again, then you can confirm that CMS DB is not responding due to expiration of CMS password.

1)      2) Try to login to CMS DB on SQL Server Management Studio with CMS userid. SSMS will prompt you to change the password for CMS user.

2)      3)Change the password and navigate to Control panel-->Data sources(ODBC) and change the DSN configuration for CMS DB with new password.

3)      4)Come back to CCM window; stop SIA, if it is running and navigate to

   CCM-->SIA-->Properties-->Configuration--> CMS System DB Configuration-->click on the specify option and repoint the CMS DB DSN.

4)     5) Start SIA and check the serverpid file under SAP BI installation folder;You can see the server s are coming up.

          If it is working as expected, then you can login to BI launch pad.

B) CMS DB Transcation Log Full or CMS DB size exceeds

Steps to resolve this issue:

Stop SIA and perform following options.

1)  Either delete few of the transaction log files or you can increase the space allocated for Transcation log.

2)  Change the CMS DB settings to auto increment the Db size;also increase the drive space available for CMS DB.

Restart SIA.

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