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Active Contributor

Source: Bruno

This was today's SAP Community call with a presentation from bruno.lucattelli

Recording is here and upcoming calls are here

Source: Bruno

Bruno is active in SAP Inside tracks

Source: Bruno

We have seen these slides, moving to S/4HANA with a simplified database

Once data is in S/4HANA, you add more and more information

Source: Bruno

Archiving through the different architecture and temperatures

Source: Bruno


Partitioning  - you don't want all these years in memory, as it will cost the server

Hot - in memory

Cold - on disk

New field Data Aging

Q: Can I do rolling months instead of hard years?

A: Yes

Source: Bruno

Data Aging objects come from the ABAP Stack

Age different records from different tables, not just VBAK

Source: Bruno

Look at different records from different tables


Should the sales order document be aged or not?

Source: Bruno

You can add your own logic to the data aging object with an enhancement spot

Decide to age from a business perspective

Source: Bruno

Source: Bruno

Get in situation where adding more hardware

Aged data to disk and memory consumption gets lower

Periodically run aging - e.g. every 3 months, 6 months

Source: Bruno


Purchase item has 1 partition

Source: Bruno

Can partition by hash

Source: Bruno

Authorization needed to perform data aging is shown above


See the recording for a demonstration

Source: Bruno

See the data aging transaction after you turn on the switch enhancement framework

Source: Bruno

Source: Bruno

Activate the object

Source: Bruno

Transaction to move data to hot/cold - love the name, DAGRUN

Source: Bruno

Considerations are shown above

Source: Bruno

Check your ABAP; it is impacted

Source: Bruno

SE16N is impacted  - additional settings to access historical

Q: I thought SE16 in HANA was SE16H?

A: However I didnt find the same option in SE16H, just SE16N

Check jobs

Source: Bruno

SAP Notes/Blogs

Q:  Small question can we rollback the partioning also, for example later we realize we created wrong partitions?

A: No

2018 ASUG Annual Conference

Consider attending ASUG10045 Data Protection with SAP Information Lifecycle Management  with SAP's iwona.luther

 consider attending more ASUG SAP Mentor sessions here at 2018 ASUG Annual Conference/SAPPHIRENOW
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