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Warehouse Process Type in LOSC

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Following scenario:

- Inbound with Combination of Process Oriented Storage Control and Layout Oriented Storage Control

- Storage Types: Inbound Staging Area -> Intermediate Storage Type -> Destination Storage Type for Putaway

- Process starts with warehouse process type 1013

- Warehouse process type must be changed in Warehouse Task B (this is the issue)

Warehouse Task A:

WT to intermediate storage type (Inbound Staging Area -> Intermediate Storage Type)

Warehouse Process Type in LOSC would be relevant (if needed). For me no it is not needed, because warehouse process type 1013 is already in warehouse task.

Warehouse Task B:

- WT from intermediate storage type (Intermediate Storage Type -> Destination Storage Type for Putaway)

Which setting/customizing is needed to assign another Warehouse process type? In my case warehouse process type 1013 is also found. But I want use warehouse process type 1011.

best regards


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Thanks a lot for your input.

I just wanted to know if there is anything in customizing which was unknown for me.

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"Storage Types: Inbound Staging Area -> Intermediate Storage Type -> Destination Storage Type for Putaway"

Where would this be a combination of LOSC and POSC? This would either be POSC (then the intermediate storage type would be some kind of workcenter) or LOSC, but not both.

"Warehouse process type must be changed in Warehouse Task B (this is the issue)"

..... why?

"Which setting/customizing is needed to assign another Warehouse process type? In my case warehouse process type 1013 is also found. But I want use warehouse process type 1011."

and why would you want to use 1011? There is no setting needed, because there is nothing there to change this.

Maybe you can explain a little bit more detailed what you are trying to do and what you have set up.



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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!
And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

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Hi Ajit.
The warehouse process type in Inbound delivery is 1013.

I don't use VAS.

best regards


Active Contributor
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Hi Andreas Wille,

My understanding:

First of all, WPT (warehouse process type) should be 1011 (Process Type Determination*) in inbound Delivery, then WPT 1013 should be maintain in LOSC so system would create Warehouse Task A (Inbound Staging Area -> Intermediate Storage Type) with WPT 1013 and then Putaway WT would generate with WPT 1011(Warehouse Task B).

Process Type Determination*: Please visit the configuration path mentioned in this link

Please let us know if you have further questions.

Kind Regards,


Active Contributor
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Hi Andreas Wille,

What is the Warehouse Process Type in Inbound Delivery ? 1011 or 1013 ?

Are you using VAS for Inbound ?

SAP Standard Warehouse Process Type Description:

1011 - Putaway with Storage Process

1013 -Putaway with VAS Storage Process

Warehouse Process type in LOSC: Create WT to intermediate

Example: your case Inbound Staging Area -> Intermediate Storage Type

Kind Regards,
