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Update Material - FSM



Is there a way to update or delete the materials added to an assignement ? Currently I am able to add more items to the material screen, but I cannot edit the items previously added.

I have checked the settings, screen configurations and permissions, but could not find an answer.

Thank you,


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Hello Joao Luiz Carvalho,

yes it is possible to delete materials added to an assignment. You have to check the item first and then the Remove option gets visible.

I've also just got the default admin user group and default screen config for this.

Best Regards

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Hello Yanick,

Thank you for the answer. However, I was not talking about the "Reserved Material", it is just the "Material". I should have been clearer in my question.

Below you will see the "Material" entry in the service assignment of the FSM mobile APP.

When I click on it, I am able to add more items by taping the "+", but I cannot modify or delete the item already added.

In the screenshot above, I would like to be able to remove the item "Controller touch pad " or modify its quantity, but I am not able to do it.

Please, let me know if you have a solution for that.

Thank you,



Hello Joao Luiz Carvalho,

yes it's also possible to edit and delete materials. This works also for the default admin user group and is possible for all user groups with the right permissions.

First you need to click on your material.

After this you can click on the three dots in the upper right corner.

Then you get the option to edit or delete your material.

Best Regards