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Supply Key Figures unit of measure conversion


Dear Experts

We noticed that the supply part of IBP, certain key figures from the sample planning area SAPIBP1 (from which we started our configuration) have unit of measure conversion set up and some have not. For example, see screenshots below

In Liters:

The red key figures will not be converted when putting the view in KG:

This is a bit annoying, so we were wondering whether there is a specific reason for this? Does this have anything to do with the supply operator or is this just a forgotten part in the setup of the sample area? If no specific reason, I suppose we can just adapt all these key figures?

Best regards,


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Hello Kristof,

Did you update the UOM and UOMTO master data in your planning area?

For example in UOM table you maintain KG, LT.

In UOM TO table you maintain Product wise KG to KG UOM to as 1 and KG to LT UOM as 1.97 (if 1.97 is the conversion ratio).



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Yes, we did that. As you can see in the screenshots, for some KF's the conversion is already working, for others it is just not set up in the KF calculations. So we should add them, but I was wondering whether there was a (technical) reason why SAP did not set this up in their Sample Area SAPIBP1 to start with...

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I think SAP left some work to be done based on business requirements.

Also, one thing that you can check - for the KFs where it is not working you can check whether the Convert Using option is blank for the KF or not. If it is blank you can select UOMCONVERSIONFACTOR from the available dropdown and check again...

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I guess so indeed.

Still, it is weird that they have set it up for example for the Production Receipts KF but not for the Production Receipts Adj (Interactive) key figures.

Anyway, we will work through the setup and make adjustments where needed. Thanks for your feedback!