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Stock at Vendor for 2 Vendors

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Here is my example:

We provide labels for a part to 2 different vendors. Sometimes we use Vendor A and sometimes Vendor B. 

Right now Vendor A has 3,000 labels and Vendor B has 500. There is an open order for Vendor B for 1,000 for the parts. No purchase requisition comes up to buy these labels because our system shows that we have enough stock, but vendor B does not have enough to cover their order. 

My question is how do we get a purchase requisition to show up per vendor? Or is there a better way to do this? 

Thank you! 

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Hello @Mattmoraga24 

It looks like you don't plan components provided to vendors separately i.e. you use Planning without Subcontracting MRP Areas - see SAP Help Planning Components to be Provided. Here the system plans subcontractor's stock together with plant stock. You have 3.500 labels in total and a requirement for 1.000 labels. Thus the system doesn't recognize it as a net requirement. 

You should start to plan subcontractor's stock separately, i.e. to use Planning with Subcontracting MRP Areas. Then stock at each subcontractor and plant stock will be planed separately and the system will recognize a shortage at vendor B.

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski



Thank you! I will get with our team to see if this will fix our problem!