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Spell Complete date into English

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Hello ABAPers. I want to convert date into English.
For example, if the entered date is 11/11/1965, then i want to output it as "Eleven November Nineteen Sixty Five".
I have tried some FMs like SPELL_AMOUNT and HR_IN_CHG_INR_WRDS. But they are not exactly according to my requirement.
Please suggest me a solution.

Thank you.

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Active Contributor


Since there is not direct FM to requirment, Try with FM MONTH_NAMES_GET and get month list and split the date and pass to Spell_amount seprately and concordirnate.

Active Contributor

You say "... and pass to Spell_amount".

I add: i.e. in two calls

  • call with the day (11 to get "Eleven")
  • call with the year (1969 -> "Nineteen Sixty Nine")

and concatenate all the elements to get the whole date in words