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I was working in standard FTL scenario whereby we should have the FO created automatically once the sales order is created. Like we have a RDS also for trucking can you inform me the step by step process flow for triggering this. Also FO config is updated for shipment creation but yet no FO is created.Kindly guide

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Sales Order in ECC is supposed to Trigger an OTR document in SAP TM if you are working under Shipper scenario , Freight order is not created from Sales Order as its the execution document in SAP TM and its the result of Transportation planning.

In case of LSP scenario , you will be using Forwarding Order instead of OTR document.

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Can you tell me for trucking RDS is the FO created automatically once the OTR is created or do we need to run optimizer before FO is created automatically.

Also when we are creating SO, we are always getting a message- service level 92 is not defined for a carrier. I am not sure why this message appears when creating SO for trucking scenario.

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Sales Order Create a Order based transportation requirement that creates an automatically a Freight units.

Optimzer planning runs against FU and create an FO.

FO Creates a Delivery in ERP based on FO informtion , Delivery based transportation requirements updates FO through FU.

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Also when we are creating SO, we are always getting a message- service level 92 is not defined for a carrier. I am not sure why this message appears when creating SO for trucking scenario.

Former Member
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Where are you getting such message , Do you use PI to integrate between ECC & TM

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Orders are not flowing from ECC to TM and the error is in sxmb_moni in TM system-

"Service Level 92 is not defined for carrier" .We use PI to integrate the two system

Former Member
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If the error is existing in MONI in TM system , i think Service level code 92 is not defined, you can go to SPRO - Transportation Management - Forwarding Order management - Define Transportation service level code.

Which interface are you using from ECC -TM ??

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The ECC shipping Conditions 92 is maintained and mapped in TM as service level 92 , both under SCM Basis Node as well under TM node in config .

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In TM you need to maintain service level code for your carrier in BP tcode. select the carrier role and go to "vendor data" tab to maintain service level.

Former Member
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Hi Dipak,

Please maintain the same in Carriers master data as well.

BP role- Carrier, Tab-Vendor Data



0 Kudos

it has been done.Also since I am creating a sales order in ECC how do I know for which carrier the service level code needs to be updated. Secondly why the message is being prompted for carrier since its not involve during SO creation

Former Member
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Are you also sending the carrier as a partner from sales order to TM (looks like its a part of standard RDS config in ERP -Partner functions at SO header, for this scenario)?

The message is coming because the Shipping conditions-Service Level code mapping is maintained, but the master data is incomplete.

Former Member
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After you assign the Service level to the Carrier through BP master and Vendor or Carrier role.

Just check the inbound XML message , Payload and check if the carrier is passed through such code , just to distinguish from where it comes

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Are you also sending the carrier as a partner from sales order to TM (looks like its a part of standard RDS config in ERP -Partner functions at SO header, for this scenario)?

a) Can you clarify this point in details and also how do we confirm this.How do we know which carrier is passed here

Also which master data incompleteness you are referring to.

Former Member
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In your sales order header you could have a partner function of Forwarding Agent which becomes your Carrier in TM. It is done when a shipper already knows which carrier to award freight to.

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IN CASE the scenario is that agent should not be there as mandatory in SO, hence in that case how do we get rid of this issue

Former Member
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In that case, in ECC remove the Partner Function 'Forwarding Agent' from the Partner Determination Procedure assigned to Header of Sales Document type being used (or make it optional)

If required, take help of an SD consultant.

