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SAP EHS SVT: Display Confirmed quantity per order in CBRC20


Dear Experts,

We need to display confirmed quantity details per purchase order/Document number in CBRC20 in SVT. As checked, there is a BAdi BADI_EHSRC_TRACK_PROC available for the same. I found the this info "The BAdI BADI_EHSRC_TRACK_PROC is not shipped with an active implementation. However, it does have the corresponding example class CL_EXM_IM_EHSRC_TRACK_PROC, which implements the functions for the detailed data." but not sure what to do with the methods and all to display details in CBRC20 screen.

Could anyone help me with the detailed steps to implement this? It seems no Document or Blog is available


Best regards,


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It asked me to activate LOG_EHS_CI_2, which is activated now, and functionality seems to work.
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sorry. nobody can guide you if you have not a  clear requirement (clear cutomer demand... what/which data should show up in CBRC20 to display etc.)

We are using this BADi; but i am not allowed to share details regarding technical implementation.

You need to discuss with the "end user" and/or expert of SVT process .. what does he/she expect to see in CBRC20 for "Confirmed" data and based on that you might be able to define a "high level design" to be used for this BADi


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Thank you Christoph for the details!

The requirement is that Client want to view the confirmed quantity separately for each Key Value, for example the Planned quantity has Purchase Order in Key value, once goods received, it should show the document number generated in the key value for that confirmed quantity.
The development till now is we activated the Menu exits required for the BAdI implementation and now we are going activate the Business Function for the same. We will test once this is done.
Please let me know if you can suggest something to improve.


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Which business function you would like to use? We have not activated any Buisness function but still can use the BAdI? or is your wording may be misleading and you tal now about how to make the "BADI" implementation?

Wish you the best.

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It asked me to activate LOG_EHS_CI_2
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Hello regarding

"It asked me to activate LOG_EHS_CI_2"

I have checked this. We have not used this option; but might help. Any how: I wish you the best to get a solution


PS: might be of interest

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