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Process order not confirmed in RRP3

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Hi Experts,

I'm facing an issue related to ATP confirmation in RRP3, need your help & advice.

This is happening with a Semi-finished product (and only to a single material). The quantities in R3 & APO are matching exactly. There is no backlog TQA in APO.

But when user is trying to create a Process orders, system books some qty, but the qty is not confirmed in APO. It shows 0 qty against 'confirmed qty' column in RRP3 view. Though the stock is still available in system, in ATP check, systems shows no stock available & do not assign any batch to the line item & do not release the process order.

Attached is the screenshot of RRP3 view:

We are searching why the confirmation is not done, although stock is available in system.

Could you please help in recognizing the reason for this?

Thanks in advance !!

Anurag Patki.

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I don't know what kind of business process you are trying to support, but I don't understand why one process order to be received into a specific product/location would generate a reservation for the exact same product/location.  Sounds like you have some kind of recursive BOM somewhere.

Best regards,


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This is customer returns & they are doing rework & reprocessing it.


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Well, I don't see the whole timeline, but I see that you have confirmed sales orders also in the chain.  I suspect that the ATP quantity on December 24 is less than 150 (probably zero), because ATP thinks that 150 pc should be used by the sales orders.

You can manually override this on the ATP tab, or use BOPI.

Best Regards,


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Hi DB,

I pasted whole snap of orders, no more orders exist.

About ATP tab you mentioned, I think there might be some issue (as of now, the view is totally changed in RRP3 in Production system, as many transactions happened meanwhile).

I tried to replicate this in Staging system, but could not replicate exact scenario. However, I found strange thing in Staging system which I think can give us clue to the original issue. The error in R/3 process orders was exactly same "Material is not available" despite stock exists in both systems & RRP3 Elements tab showing the stock.

In staging, We did make some changes for a process order in R/3, and they are not completely updated in APO. We can see the stocks & orders matching exactly in RRP3 tab 'Elements'. But the same is not updated in 'ATP' tab. ATP still shows old reservations, which were deleted in R/3, and strangely the no range is '/000001/0001'. Upon double-clicking this in ATP tab, it says "Request was deleted", but this still shows up in ATP. And due to this, ATP is not confirming further orders created in R/3. It simply shows "Material is not available" when we do ATP checks for Process orders/SD orders in R/3. However material is available in both systems.

We did check LiveCache, it is still active.

Can this be one of the cause? Could you please help.

Attaching the screenshot of the ATP tab:



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Hard to say.  You evidently still have an inconsistency, the problem is finding exactly where.

First thing to try is /SAPAPO/CCR; select Manufacturing orders, all sub checkboxes, and it can't hurt to also select manual reservations (if you have 7.0).  This usually fixes prod order reservation problems.

If that doesn't work, I would look at Temporary quantity assignments for product availability   (report /SAPAPO/OM_DELTA_REMOVE_OLDER), then the Pegging Areas (transaction /SAPAPO/DM_PEGCHECK).  You should in general have very few TQAs in existence at any given point in time (zero is common).  You should have zero Pegging Area problems.

Best Regards,


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Hi DB,

Thanks for your replies.

I did run the report of TQA, but it did run successfully only after I removed the checkbox 'Reservations planning'. As per SAP note 1287255, I needed to remove the checkbox to avoid the COM routine termination error. (We have SCM 5.0).

So basically this report did not help me, cause I'm stuck in old reservations, which are still consuming stocks in ATP (may be TQAs).

Can you please suggest any other report or method to remove these reservations from ATP tab?

Thansk a lot,


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So, then I will assume that you have tried

/SAPAPO/CCR > manufacturing orders

/SAPAPO/OM_DELTA_REMOVE_OLDER > remove your name, select Product availability (These are not reservation problems, this is an ATP problem).  Select all checkboxes below the basic method box, enter 1 second in the 'older than' parameter box.

/SAPAPO/DM_PEGCHECK > All checkboxes against your product/location

as I suggested.  Please confirm.  I will assume that there have been no BOP events; please confirm.  I will assume these are PP/DS orders; please confirm.

Now it becomes a bit more difficult.  GATP seems to have lost its link to the actual reservation, so 'somewhere' up there in Livecache, this ATP object is floating around without his mother.  It can't hurt to run /SAPAPO/OM17 against all appropriate objects.  Also, try performing an availability check against the production order that you originally modified, from within ERP.

Best Regards,


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Hi DB,

Yes I tried those 3 programs you mentioned.

CCR was the first I tried, but no success.

then I tried /SAPAPO/OM_DELTA_REMOVE_OLDER but as mentioned in the earlier post, I got the COM routine error. (We only use gATP of APO, n version is SCM 5.0)

/SAPAPO/DM_PEGCHECK - Did check against al parameters in the background job, but it ran successfully. (In Foreground I received runtime error).

While doing ATP check against Production order, simply receive error window of 'No material available'. RRP3 elements tab exactly matches MD04, but ATP tab doesnt.

How can we remove it? And Thanks for your helpful comments.



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If you selected the exact settings in /SAPAPO/OM_DELTA_REMOVE_OLDER that I described (where you will notice I did NOT mention checking the 'reservation' box), and you still get a runtime error, you need to fix this problem first.  Raise a message with SAP if searching notes does not get you a solution for this problem (which I am assuming is unrelated to your original problem).

Without more research, I am guessing that the problem is with an inconsistent temporary order quantity, although it would take some more detective work directly in your system to determine the actual problem.  You could raise a message with SAP, who should be able to perform this detective work for you (provided it is not caused by any local enhancements made in your system).

There is a 'quick-and-dirty' way to remove unwanted LC objects. I do not recommend this method; use at your own risk! Go to your material in //RRP3, go to the ATP tab.  In the command box type in the command gt_io (no slash; no 'N').  The GUID of the objects (including your object which has no order number) will appear.  Copy the GUID number.  Now execute program   /SAPAPO/OM_DELETE_INCON_ORDERS .  Enter the GUID number; the Planning version (presumably 000); select all checkboxes; execute.  This will hack out the GUID from LC.  This type of butchery should only be used when nothing else works.

Best Regards,
