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POSC + LOSC ending at ID Point storage Type for Inbound

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I have combined Process Oreinted storage control and Layout Oriented Storage control.




These are threee steps in Inbound Storage Process.

Since the Packed product is to routed through ID Point , Layout oriented Storage Control is also activated.

so the steps should be



I-Point --> standard id point storaeg type 0081 ( intermediate for final location 0080 )


But the proccess ends at I-Point.

The Hu after packing is being moved to I-Point correctly. But the Process ends there and next warehouse task i.e. final putaway warehouse task is not being created automatically when we confirm WT from Packing to I-Point.

Any Idea what is missing ?

Thanks in advance.

Regards / Vinod

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the role of your storage type 0081 is "A" (or eventually C, for a combined I- and Pick-Point, but I suppose you use the SAP Template warehouse, using these numbers)?

Then this is the standard behaviour. At an I-Point the movement stops and ends. The movement to the I-Point is your putaway step. The idea is that you when receive any information from a scanner or something, you trigger a new warehouse task for the HU for the next storage type.

In an MFS environment you do that differently, I learned meanwhile. They never use a storage type with the role A (which is not being used for MFS anyway, so it is not a "real" I-Point ), but just declare a bin in a MFS controlled storage type as I-Point with the flag in LOSC setting. But this flag does not really control anything (AFAIK), it is just being used then in a BADI implementation for the creation of the final WT.



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Hi Juergen

True it is not  "real" I-Point. It is just a pre-storage area.

Meanwhile I tried to remove Storage behaviour "1" Pallet storage from High Rack 008F (final destination on ASRS)  and removed HU type check. (  of course not suitable for ASRS). I also created an intermediate storage type (pre-storage area) for this final - say 008I (copy of 0030).

The result is with this combination -008F is not  flagged ID Point active.

In Layout oriented  overview I maintained entries as below :

Whno.    DType   int. sto type   int. stobin   WPT    Id Point
XXXX       008F      008I             008I-01       3030    not flagged.

These settings created automatic waerhouse task from pre-storage area (008I ) to final destination 008F !!

The only point here is Storage behaviour - is it necessary  to have "1" Pallet type  in final rack for ASRS , I feel it should be , as it is ASRS and pallets are to be putaway in final rack.

The other  interesting rather strange behaviour I noticed whilst setting up this process....


The process is :

1. Pack Inbound Products into HU - Carton_M

2. Unloading - creates two WTs automatically

3. first for Unloading which is open , another for final putaway

    Final putaway has source and destination HU as Carton_M

4. Confirm Unloading

5. Packing WT is created and confirm it.

6. Pack Carton_M along with Product to Europallet ...

7. Close Europallet

8. Warehouse Order created for Putaway final WT ( opens)

The destination HU here is Carton_M .

The destination HU in Putaway WT should change to Europallet from Carton_M

But it is not happening .... Carton_M is being putaway.

Europallet remains at workcentre.

In short Top Level HU from work centre  ( Europallet) is not being putaway .

       90000000000101 - Europallet  ---------> top level Hu should go to final destination

             8000000000077 - carton_M  ---------> this is going  to final destination.

                  Product XYZ

Please check if you can help?

Thanks for all your help ....


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Hi Juergen

One more point i missed in my earlier comment ....

In ID Point storage type : 008I ..... I deselected "stor.Cntrl/Put. Compl" , it seems this did not end the storage proccess at ID Pont. Automatic WT is created from ID Point to final destination now.

But a new point ....Packing done at Work Centre in Europallet , but final putaway happening for Carton (in which Inbound Delilvery is packed).

Regards / Vinod

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"In ID Point storage type : 008I ..... I deselected "stor.Cntrl/Put. Compl" , it seems this did not end the storage proccess at ID Pont. Automatic WT is created from ID Point to final destination now."

THAT is actually the important point. If the storage type does not have the role A or C, but is a "regular" storage type, this flag must not be set.

"The only point here is Storage behaviour - is it necessary  to have "1" Pallet type  in final rack for ASRS , I feel it should be , as it is ASRS and pallets are to be putaway in final rack."

That has nothing to do with if you putaway pallets or not or that it is a ASRS. This is the strategy pallets, that means you get a split of a bin into segments.



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Thanks Juergen for your detailed explaination. Can you help in detecting error in work centre packing ? I packed Carton_M into Europallet at work centre , but putaway warehouse task moves Carton_M to destination and not the Europallet. What is controlling this ?

I checked parameters of work centre for packing in inbound and corrosponding storage type , but not getting exactly how it works. There are some HU control flags which i played with but in vain.
Please check if  you can add some valuable point ?

Regards / Vinod Sedani

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I set up a similar process, works fine for me.

"8. Warehouse Order created for Putaway final WT ( opens)"

Does that mean the final WT already exist and it just gets activated when confirming the HU? Then this is the problem. Change the POSC that the final WT is only created at the very end, not already before. The existing WT does not get updated with the new HU, which is not nice, but seems to work this way.



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Ah, just see that this is exactly what you have

"3. first for Unloading which is open , another for final putaway

    Final putaway has source and destination HU as Carton_M "

Yes, this is where the problem is.


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Yes Juergen , the problem is exactly there. But I am not sure how do I create Putaway WT at a later stage ..... My POSC is standard :




as per the steps assigned in POSC ...

The tasks are created in sequence , but first two warehouse tasks are created simulataneously ( for Unloading -open WT  and putaway - in waiting -B). How do I shift creation of Putaway warehouse task at a later stage ?  Putaway WT is anyways 3rd in sequence ...and Auto flag is not selected for that.

Is it controlled by sequence .....below in table ...

Assignment of the storage process steps to the storage process:

Sequence No.



Prod/HU WT
















it looks sequence no. needs to be changed ....I will try by changing sequence and check.

Thanks for exactly pointing out what is going wrong.

Regards / Vinod Sedani

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Hi Vinod

If you do not want to create Auto WT for putaway then do as below and check.

Sequence No.



Prod/HU WT







and if you want to create WT for HU in later stage you can create via scwm/mom.

Go to HU and in top dropdown u can find create WT and you can create ur task.

And in the table, if it is auto selected then it is for subsequent step, not for same step.

and in your case  as it is selected for zb01 it is creating for putaway as well.

and IPK1 you have selected auto it will work after packing.

In below example decon   step is explained but same happen for any IB02 step ( it can be packing /vas /qc) any thing when you select auto at first step.

I hope you are clear now. Please let me know if I can help further.



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it is NOT the AutoLB Flag, which is wrong, but the Prod/HU WT Flag.

From the list you wrote of the steps which are happening I would say even that this is not in the second, but in the first line, but also the way you have it, is not how you want it.

The way you need to set this up:

NoStepAuto WTProd/HU WT

Through this the last WT is created after you confirm the process step at the packaging work center.



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HI Juergen

With auto WT at first two steps .... the system creates two WTs one for Unloading and the other for putaway with HU (inbound packing HU ) and this HU remains in waiting WT till last.It does not change even though the source bin changes from 9030 to 8025 i.e. from work centre for inbound packing.

The HU pakced at work centre then is taken to the pallet storage. So I think there is something wrong in two steps which you have mentioned.

Suraj suggested some different variant and I tried it works but of course not as to the full extend one would expect as warehouse task at later stage is to be created manually. So not real POSC.

There seems some hitch in standard POSC steps where in after unloading two warehouse tasks are created - one for Unloading (9030 to 9010 ) and another for Putaway in waiting status (9010 to Final destination - with packed inbound delivery HU ). Now this scenario should work very well if there is no further packing at Work Centre ( e.g. Cartons into Pallet ). If the first packed Inbound Delivery HU is to be moved to final destination this process works well and cartons are moved to final destination. But if cartons are packed into Pallet then this process fails and automatic creation of waitng WT is of no use.

......discussion goes on .... comments please ....

Thanks Juergen / Suraj for valuable inputs.

Regards / Vinod

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Hi Vinod...

First que do u want AUTO putaway waiting task or not??

If yes How you want as some time u say u want or some time u say u dont.

write in simple words what u want.

My understanding are as below

HU Packed in IBD  u need unload and putaway <<Correct >>.??

And If HU is not packed then you want unload >>PACK >>Putaway <<Correct >>??

and how about mixed mat HU ??

and how about destination HU is it same for HU or Mix HU or different.

Please ans as your solution is simple Just need clear idea when and what.



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Where is the flag set for HU/Prd WT?

If you have it at the step 2 IPK1 it does not work. You have to set the flag at the last step. Or not at all probably also works. But you have to create the final task only after the last packaging step.



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Hi Suraj

Let me say a lot of thanks to you first , as you cleared a lot of concepts with your detailed explaination. With your suggestion I am able to create putaway wt after packaging and therefore able to put away Europallet packed at work centre to destination bin which otherwise was not happening.

And If HU is not packed then you want unload >>PACK >>Putaway <<Correct >>?? --> correct.

Now as far as auto WT is concerned for putaway , it seems difficult with existing POSC.

As you said if we mark Auto WT at IPK1 ( means it is for creating auto WT of putaway ) , then putway WT gets created at the very beginning while creating Unloading WT and it remains in waiting status with first HU(inbound packing HU). This does not work as you know , this waiting WT opens but with same destination HU which was packed at Inbound 1st step.

So I am happy with the option which you suggested to create Putaway WT after packaging .... manually .... of course it will be on custom RF so should be no issue.

Thanks Suraj again.

Regards / Vinod Sedani

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Hi Juergen

Thanks ..... will check today .... if it works for avoiding waiting warehouse task for putaway.

In short I donot want waiting warehouse task .... which does not allow Packed HUs at work centre to move to destination bin.

Thanks again.

Regards / Vinod Sedani.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

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Many Many thanks Suraj , I will check today.

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Hello Vinod,

Check whether you have assigned the Activity Area for your ID Point as well.

Sort all the bins in your entire warehouse.

Whether you have ticked HU Completed Button at respective work center.


0 Kudos

Hi Vinod,

A few questions:

1.  At what part of the POSC do you create the putaway task?  I am thinking after packing is complete but just want to make sure.

2.  Do you get two WTs when you complete the HU at packing?  One to the pick point and one to the final bin?

3.  Did you check the Q for any issues with the WT?



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Hi Faical

Thanks for your reply.

The process is :

1. Inbound delivery --> Packing into carton_M

2. Follow on functions --> create WT

    The system creates two WTs one for unloading and another for putaway.

3. Confirm Unloading, a new WT for Pack work centre is created.

4. Pack carton_M into Europallet

5. Close Europallet  HU at work centre

6. Putaway WT still destination HU as Carton_M .... not Europallet ??

any idea? Is there any way to create putaway WT at a later stage so that whatever is

packed at work center moves to final destination ? i.e. Europallet and not carton?

Regarding ID point I have replied to Juergen please check my reply to him.

Regards / vinod sedani.