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Is jobseeker api got deprecated?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Dabblu,

As far as I am aware, the standard names of the upload connectors have "Upload" at the end. It is possible to set a custom connector name, which might be the case here. If you open the connector (via admin menu) and click on "View Guide", it will take to the connector documentation and you can check the standard name.



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I was trying to hit "Job Seeker Upload" but getting error:{

"Status" : {

"TransactionID" : "z23070505543614962390a3b",

"ReturnCode" : "106",

"Message" : "This connector is not configured to upload data in JSON format."



I tried converting to JSON but still facing same issue.

Postman request body:

{ "headers": { "Type": "Job Seeker Upload", "Buyer": "****" }, "data": [ { "Email": "", "Location Code": "USA - San Francisco", "[mspr] Rate Category/ Rate UOM": 0, "[mrkp] Rate Category/ Rate UOM": 0, "First Name": "DK", "[Tier n] Effective On": "07/22/2023", "[Tier n] Number of Units": 1, "[Tiern] Supplier Bill Rate": 0, "[Tier n] Pay Rate Change %": 0, "[Tier n] Unit Frequency Type": "MONTHS", "Security ID": "DKSIDE20121999", "[q] Qualification Name": "string", "Supplier Code": "****", "Comments": "new worker", "Submitted to other Job Postings": "No", "Username": "DK_SING", "External Job Seeker ID": "DK_SING", "Job Posting ID": "D027JP00000418", "Last Name": "SING", "Site Code": "USA - San Francisco", "Creator Username": "JPN_D027", "Date Available": "07/22/2023" } ]}Can you please help me out? How i can get the correct response.