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Insert text type and content in notes tab in Edit Freight Unit Fiori App

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Hi all, I have a single Freight order number and some stop Ids. I have two requirements:-

1). I first need to find all the Freight unit number for each stop ID.

2). I need to insert the text type and content in the notes tab of the Edit Freight Unit Fiori App for each of the Freight unit number fetched above. In other words, I need to insert text content in text collection node for the BO /SCMTMS/root after expanding the nodes through tor_id.

I need ABAP code for both these requirements. Please let me know if any more info is required. If anyone can help even on one of the requirements, please help as it is crucial and urgent for me. Thank you in advance.

@SandyTran @OliverGraeff @jutta_weissing-hess @ChenNee @camilapetry @Marco_Valencia @WouterLemaire @MRobalinho@Ryan-Crosby@RaghavanKathamuthu

Apologies to all tagged people in advance since I don't get any replies when I don't tag anyone and this is very crucial and urgent for me.

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Active Contributor

Hello @rohitsharma34673 

Here is SAP TM Enhancement Guide It contains all the info you need to implement your requirement, including ABAP coding examples. 

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski

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Hello @DominikTylczyn, thank you for your reply. I was able to solve the first part of the problem using get_assigned_fus association while using the retrieve_by_association method with the FO number. 

For the second problem, I find the helper class /scmtms/cl_txc_helper. But it didn't work as expected. It only worked when i try to insert text in notes tab for a freight order. But it doesn't work in case of freight unit. Can you please help me with this if there is any other specific class for freight units. Please let me know if more info is required. Thank you in advance.  

Best regards  
