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IBP role of local demand user

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I don't understand the concept if roles and permission filter in IBP. Is it possible, that you can explain me on an determine example, how I can maintained the business catalog and the permission filter ?

I have a user "LOCALDEMAND" This user should only work of one plannig Area called UNIORI and should only work with product IBP-200

What is necessary to maintain for this user ?

thanks in advance


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I have now found the issue and solve it. Thanks so far for your response.

0 Kudos

Hi Oliver,

You have not assigned permission filter to your Role. I believe, this error is coming because of missing permission Filter in role.

Please assign filter in below field in Maintain Restrictions.



0 Kudos

Hi Oliver,

You can use Roles to define set of group. e.g. Demand Planner Role which will contain all Demand Planners. Supply Planner Role will contain all Supply Planners. In role you can provide access to specific Key figures/Planning Area/Master Data etc related to that role.

Permission filters can be used to limit read or write access based on specific key Figures or Attribute.

In your case you can create a role for LOCALDEMAND user. This role will have Planning area restriction UNIORI. You will also create one Permission filter(say IBP200 filter) with attribute Filter Product = IBP-200. Once Permission filter is created, you can use the same in Permission Filter ID of Role --> Maintain Restriction section. Let me know if you need any further details.



Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Pras,

thanks for the response. I try it, but it is not working.

I have defined a role and assigned a user for this.

This role has follow restriciton

furthermore I have a permission filter which also assigned to the user with unrestricted permissions

But If I try to login follow message appear.