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How to differentiate and integrate TM model based on Incoterms for the same type of purchase order

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If we need TM model to manage third-party imported freight, how can we differentiate between third-party imported purchases and domestic purchases when both use the same purchase order type and the same purchase group, making it impossible to distinguish between them based on that criterion alone? Is it possible for the system standard functionality to differentiate the integration of TM based on Incoterms?

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In standard design, MM business documents determine the TM control key through the customizing activity 'Define Transportation Relevance of Purchasing Documents' using data combination for Purchasing Org., Purchasing Type and Order Type.

The BAdI BADI_LO_TM_PUR can be used to redetermine the TM control key by using additional PO date outside of this customizing activity. Also please check KBA 3459185 to avoid improper using of this BAdI.