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How to delete condition tables in testsystem

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Hello everyone,

What is the theory behind creating a condition table (e.g., pack specification) in the development system? The IMG activity where we enter the table layout not only creates our tables locally. Our input is also saved in a customizing transport, right?

When we import this transport into the next system, the system generates the same database tables locally again. And our table layout ALSO creates a table locally in $TMP in the test system, correct?

But what if I want to delete the condition table from the test system again? What steps do I need to take? This is not possible with a transport because the system has also created it locally.

Thank you.

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Active Contributor
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Did you try to delete the condition in development, release and transport the Customizing request to quality, that should delete the condition table during import (since Release 3.0F)

0 Kudos
you're right. It works like this. However, in my case, there was an entry in the table in the Q system, and because of that, it was not possible to delete