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Find Bottlenek material ( latest date) for materials in delivery group or complete delivery

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we have a huge number of sales orders with 100-200 lines in each order. All lines depend to 2-3 delivery groups.

No we were asked to tell Sales which material is the bottlenek and what would be the dates when we exlucde this bottlenk material from the group.  Deleting the group, run ATP and set group again is nto a good work around due to so many differnt order lines and groups. Any idea how to get this solved ? Getting the info about all ATP dates for each line when not having the groups ?

thanks Andrea 

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You can table join VBAK, VBEP with MARD.  Table MARD will have fields like MATNR, WERKS, LGORT & LABST.  Field LABST will show the unrestricted stock available for a given plant.  So, you can consolidate this data and accordingly, identify those bottleneck materials for which, the stock (field LABST) would be zero.

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thank you, this will probably not help, I need to know also he ones with different supply dates. And also only stock will not help as probably this stock is reserved for any other customer, so I would need a kind of ATP qty not only the stock info . Our IT said this would be huge developement ( having different ATP rules in different plants and products) so I thaought I can ask here if someone has an idea