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EWM Prod-WT from existing HU

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Hi EWM gurus,

IN EWM I have the following business reqt:

In St.Typ A stands HU-Type “box”, physically containing powder. The powder goes from the box onto the tape and is moved to St.Type B, C or D (decided manually), where it is physically repacked to other HU types “Packs” (physically means no PackSpec used since every pack is unique in weight). Correspondingly St.types A has bin types fpr "Box", while bin types at B,C,D allowing “pack” only.

So, the issue looks simple at the first sight – you create adhoc Prod-WT from A to B and in B you partially confirm this Prod WT x times for each pack, until prod-WT is 0.

Problem is – if I create Prod-WT in ADPROD and request “withdraw all”, I get the error “Hu-Type BOX is not allowed for bin-type (of storage type B)” (/SCWM/PUT_BIN_DET055). The error message is logical, since I do not want to allow “Box” in St.type B. What non-logical is – I create the PRODUCT-WT, and therefore I do not expect that EWM tries to move my “Box” from A to B.

Interesting thing –if HU-“Box” contains more than 1 quant and I select “withdraw all” (or if I create Prod-WT for part of teh HU-Stock), this check is not done, and Prod-WT is created successfully.

I’ve debugged the issue. The problem stays in FM /SCWM/TO_SRC_HU_HOMOGEN_SET. Line 114:

* set homogenious pick flag in LTAP
IF iv_call = 'R'. AND
cs_ltap-routeto <> wmegc_routeto_prod_dv.
cs_ltap-homve = 'X'.

So, homve=X tries to move my BOX within Prod-WT. However, this check is executed only, if I move the entire stock from A and HU contains only 1 quant.

The “Routeto” is a domain /SCWM/DE_ROUTE_TO (same data element of the field
Question – has anyone worked with the domain Value 2 “Subsequent WT for Putaway/CD with Proc.-Oriented Stor. Ctrl”? Unfortunately I have not found any FM/Interface where this value 2 is filled into the structure cs_ltap at Prod-WT creation.

I have a normal Putaway process (not CD) and tried with POSC. Prod-WT is created but not with this ROUTETO value. Also POSC is not OK for this process, because we cannot create the Prod-WT using ADPROD. First we need to move HU from A to B and Prod-WT will be created automatically. But if we try moving HU, it fails by the sam check, that “Box” is not allowed in St.Type B.

Can anyone check with the info about domain Value 2?



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