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Demand variability for safety stock calculation

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I am using APO version 5.

For safety stock calculation, one important parameter is 'demand variability'.

Theory suggests this is based on the comparison of the actual sales for a period with the past forecast made for that period.

But could one instead compare actual sales with the 'ex post' forecast quantity?


Bob Austin

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Former Member
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Hi Bob

I suppose in SCM 5.0, if you go to the transaction /sapapo/msdp_sb, in the historical demand block, you should be able to define the KF that will be your actual demand (KF for demand forecast) and your realized demand(KF for actual demand)

Former Member
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Hi Bob.

What you are suggesting is entireley feasible. I have the same issue and have done exactly what you suggest.

Create a key figure to store the ex-post. In /SAPAPO/MSDP_ADMIN open your planning area. On the menu select Extras->Forecast settings and assign you key figure to Ex-post.

Running the forecast will now update the key figure with the ex-post.

When running the safety stock calculation, put the ex-post forecast in as the forecast and history in as the actual.

Demand variance will now calculate ex-post forecast v sales history.

A practical approach when there is history of previous forecast.

Hope this helps.


Former Member
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Thanks for this.

I guess you meant 'A practical approach when there is <u>NO</u> history of previous forecast' in your penultimate sentence?



Former Member
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Hi Bob.

Agreed, a word is missing, I was thinking insufficient rather than no as there will be a period where forecasting has been taking place in the system but not for long enough.

cheers, M

Former Member
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you can also put the Demand variability in masterdata for the location product as

Demand Fcast Err.(%) in the lot size tab

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