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Delete "Dead"-financial items in BW

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear fellow sufferer and fans of SEM-BCS,

there is one problem I didn't find any solution yet.

I use 2 methods to get financial items into the BCS (and then into BW by synchronisation): Flatfile Upload and normal customizing.

Now, I switched the type of upload-modi once to "Overwrite existing data" and after that I switched it to "Delete all existing data". Now that stupid SEM-BCS doesn't know about those "deleted" items anymore, but in BW the characteristic ZMCSITEM (as we called our CS_ITEM) still has those entries.

The problem is I can't delete that ***** items. BW doesn't let me kill them.

Also that UGMDSYNC and UGMD_BATCH_SYNC (via se38) do not let me kill them...

But we need the very latest master data status because we use it in VC to map those items with FI-accounts.

May anyone have a solution for this?

Thanks a lot in advance.


Benjamin Maier

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

If there are any transaction data stored against those dead FS item, then you would not be able to delete them.

If those dead FS items are part of any consolidation function or any other master data, then also you would not be able to delete them.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Gansha is correct. In those cases it is best to block these item from posting.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Benjamin

Delete the data at the cube level rather than trying to delete the records using BCS functionalities. By this way you will be in a position to get rid of all the values and start with clean state.

Former Member
0 Kudos

I mistook this for transaction data deletion.

Former Member
0 Kudos

thanks for your replies.

But also on cube-level it doesn't work (of course I tried that too... : ) )

BW doesn't let me delete the financial items.

It is not a thing that keeps us from work, but I would like to have a solution for this.

I guess, the problem is there because we use a characteristic catalog for a cube which we use for mappings (FI -> BCS).


BR ; )